Progression Rewards

In AoO I got top 5 with ~600 points. I think the highest in my bracket was ~800. Did anyone break 1000 even for a moment? If not, Devs, could we adjust progression rewards maybe? I'm just looking at that 2400 mark and not thinking ANYONE is capable of getting it. One day I think it would be nice to have a 4* in my roster. I feel I'm beginning to get a competitive roster and don't mind grinding for progression rewards, but I doubt that's even possible. I would greatly appreciate some dev feedback as to how they feel about the current progression rewards.


  • They keep flip-flopping on how 'easily' they want players to get rewards. When shields first came out, highest was 1400 - reachable since people could leap-frog somewhat easily with shields. Then they bumped it to 2400, still reachable - but painfully so. Then they made it so you could target anyone at any distance from your own rating - that, in theory, would make it easier to hit 2400, but it also means that you could be at the 2k range and suddenly start getting hammered by ~100 rating players and losing 50 points a whack! So, it got harder. And now they've made it so shielded players don't (reliably) show up when looking around. The only shielded player I've seen recently was Bughunt - and I didn't think he was shielded, I looked at my ranking in the LR and he was right above me, shielded up, so I took a shameless whack at him.

    tl;dr Progression rewards are super bad now - basically the only way to hit 2400 is to do a few matches, then shield up - since being shielded makes you not show up in MMR, you'll block the incoming retaliations, then just go again. Pay2grind.
  • They've really cut down the number of progression rewards too.

    Hulk's tournament had 2 2* and 2 3* covers. Wolverine has 1 of each.
  • Progression awards should be based on progress, and not as a kind of proxy for placement. The way matchmaking works makes it nearly impossible for anyone to get half way up the progression ladder, and impossible for more than a tiny minority to do so. If anything they're a sort of meta-placement award for beating all of the top places across every bracket (the only way to accumulate enough points). I can't figure out much about their intended design, except that they're misnamed.
  • They've really cut down the number of progression rewards too.

    Hulk's tournament had 2 2* and 2 3* covers. Wolverine has 1 of each.

    I'm fine with fewer rewards if it means we can get that high. Lets say I grind to 900 (which would have made me #1 in my bracket in the last AoO), if there's no one higher, then I can only find matches for 15 or less. Ok fine, I can do that. Lets then say I get to 1200 doing that. All of a sudden (from what I've heard of others) all the matches are 0-5. No way I can grind another 1200 on those. So my options are do nothing or shield. If I shield, people can't see me so therefore can't use me to get higher points. If I don't shield, I lose my progression since I'm a tasty high point treat. I want to be able to grind progression and not worry about placement. I want to know if there are any plans to address the current (seemingly) impossible way of reaching 2400. If people can and are reliably doing, then this post is in error and I'll figure something out. If no one is getting 2400 (or even close) then we have a problem.

    In my view, progression is what you get on the way to the top. I feel that to even place top 10, you should have grabbed every progression on the way up.