D3 for R75 don't sandbox the population.

wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
So I was just reading the sandbox thread and realized D3 has automated system to catch cheaters who have too much ISO. Right now myself and I am assuming a lot of players are hoarding ISO waiting for the update. I currently have 400k ISO and plan on bring up a lot of characters with the change. D3 please have something in place so you don't sandbox a large portion of the forum for saving ISO. Changing the cost to level is a very positive thing, and I would hate to see myself and a lot of players get sandboxes because of it.

Please be diligent on this. Thank you


  • This is in no way an official statement, but if you're not rocking 7 figures of ISO, you're not going to have to worry much. I think once you break a million you get a flag, but not a sandboxing.

    I'm up over a million and am not worried about it. It's all legit iso that I've hoarded all through season 12 and into this current season.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    I'm constantly up over a million ISO and 20K HP and have never had a problem, either.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Back in October I was approaching that million ISO barrier, and I sent Ice a PM asking for clarification, and asking if breaking a million ISO was likely to get a player put in the sandbox. His exact response:
    2) Urban myth. The metrics for determining Iso gain wouldn't flag much of anything with your total given the amount of time it was earned over. It's quite possible that you've been in the "look at this roster plz!" CS mails before given your roster, so when a manual look at the account would occur, the people involved know better.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I have a friend who's sitting at about 6 million iso (he's cover starved in his transition), and he's not been sandboxed or otherwise flagged.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am just looking a mass leveling of characters to 166 and 270 and suddenly a bunch of people get sandboxes. It has happened before when players have mass leveled characters. I also want to know how you have over 1 million ISO stored. I have been playing for almost 500 days have a full roster and many 166's but only 400k ISO.
    To all of you who have a million plus ISO I am impressed.
  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I'd welcome a trip to the sandbox as long as it wasn't permanent. If I got put there by mistake I'd revel in it for a while before getting reinstated, as it sounds like a great vacation spot that could really relieve stress. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    wymtime wrote:
    I am just looking a mass leveling of characters to 166 and 270 and suddenly a bunch of people get sandboxes. It has happened before when players have mass leveled characters. I also want to know how you have over 1 million ISO stored. I have been playing for almost 500 days have a full roster and many 166's but only 400k ISO.
    To all of you who have a million plus ISO I am impressed.

    Personally, three things influence my stockpile:
    1) With the exception of a few things (a decent gaming PC, gifts for significant others, and a quality home audio system) I'm generally a cheap penny-pinching tinykitty. This often extends to the games I play, where I'll hoard potions, gold, and, in the case of PQ, ISO-8.
    2) I tend to have odd rituals in games. For example, I only level a character one level at a time, and only after winning a battle with that character on my team (the exception being if the ISO cost to level is less than one thousand, in which case I will level up two levels.)
    3) I kind of enjoy the milestones. My first was 500k ISO, then a million, and now (especially since I am holding off on leveling anyone until the ISO price drop for leveling) I am going to see if I can hit 2 million before going on a binge (which for me, will probably be at most around 100k).
  • wymtime wrote:
    I am just looking a mass leveling of characters to 166 and 270 and suddenly a bunch of people get sandboxes. It has happened before when players have mass leveled characters. I also want to know how you have over 1 million ISO stored. I have been playing for almost 500 days have a full roster and many 166's but only 400k ISO.
    To all of you who have a million plus ISO I am impressed.

    I'm on day 411 today. Currently holding 1,140,639 ISO. I spent about 25k today leveling Gamora a little bit.

    Currently have SexGoddess at 269 each, Fury at 180. 19 maxed 3*, with a few more in the 110-140 range. Have 550+ standards waiting for the day the add batch open, a few 10 packs, 30+ heroics, 40+ tacos, and at least one of each event token for the last month or two.

    Once I was at 15-6 maxed 3* (and when SexGoddess was really all you needed for PVP) I found there wasn't much need to level anyone else unless I felt like it. My roster was more than competitive and I found I liked having the possibility to max the next big thing instead of leveling up C-listers who I'd never play. Cage and Fist got maxed as I won all of their covers. Other than that, for me, there's been no reason to spend ISO in a while.

    I started an ISO tracking spreadsheet on March 4. I had 461,000 ISO at the time. I have kept track each day of what my daily starting ISO was, as well as leveling costs, boosts (if more than 1k a day) and placements. Average ISO gained over this 45 day period has been 21,527.9 per day. I've earned a total of 959,700 in that time, spent a total of 245,500 leveling up Kamala, maxing Fist, and putting a few levels on Wheels and Gamora.

    I did want to hit the 1 million mark once I realized how much I was earning each day and aside from impulse leveling, I am awaiting the stuff in Runswithscissors75 to see how it all plays out.
  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    seriously i think it might be sweet to be sandboxed
  • Sandwichboy
    Sandwichboy Posts: 193 Tile Toppler
    ...okay, I have to ask, how in the hell do you get 20k+ ISO a DAY? I think like, 5-6k is probably the most I see.
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I don't think legit non-cheating hoarders have to worry. I'm sure they have data analysis tools that look for people who have increases in ISO that aren't actually possible, not just large amounts of ISO. That kind of sorting should be relatively easy for them to do on their end.