What if.... (conspiracy theory thread)

They brought up the health of many characters and nerfed the 4* because a 5* is on the way?

I mean how do you make a character look more Godly than pre-nerf XForce? by nerfing said XForce. The increased health means everyone's gonna need it when the 5* does come.

Since they released QS it seems D3 is keeping in line with the Marvel movie releases (they also released a number of GotG characters when the movie came out.)

Who knows, we may have a 5* Ultron or Iron man (Hulkbuster) soon. icon_e_biggrin.gif


  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still find it peculiar that we technically got 2 character releases after the Daredevil change. Elektra and Gorgon... one of which has still been unavailable to this day. He's a fully functional character in the game and shows up in DDQ.
  • xequalsy
    xequalsy Posts: 231
    I'm interested in how would they distribute a 5* under the current scheme. Like would you have to get 2k points in a PvP(?!), or something like 1.5k points plus first (would a multi-condition like this even work with the current reward system?).

    I think for a 5* to come out, they would have to significantly change the 3*/4* availability. I think 4*s are still a little too rare (in packs as well as event rewards) for something even rarer (as it would have to be to feel special) to make sense, at least to me.
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    Oh god, imagine what one cover would cost for a 5*........
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,539 Chairperson of the Boards
    These 3 on 1 battles make me think they are Thinking of bringing out 5 stars as those.

    5 star will take up 2 slots. Then again im sure the game is not coded that way and they could never figure out how to do it. LOL
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    Is this for all conspiracy theories?
    Cuz I'm positive they announced the reduced iso cost for levelling (3-4 weeks ahead of release) so that we stockpile our iso. In r75 they'll introduce red iso, the new liquid that's used for levelling up 3 and 4*s. Dont worry though, you can still use the purple for your 2*s.
    I'm gonna keep my phone wrapped in tin foil so the update can't get to me.
  • Considering how hard it is to even get a 4* cover, can you imagine the blood bath in PVE for a 5 * cover? It will probably look like 3 covers go to 1st place, 2 covers for 2nd place and 1 cover for 3rd place.

    People will start running into the 5* wall in PVP as soon as 200 points when whales buy the loads of the 5* event 42 packs and proceed to buy out the covers.

    Annnnnnd lastly... 5* will be too strong and get nerfed
  • Is this for all conspiracy theories?
    Cuz I'm positive they announced the reduced iso cost for levelling (3-4 weeks ahead of release) so that we stockpile our iso. In r75 they'll introduce red iso, the new liquid that's used for levelling up 3 and 4*s. Dont worry though, you can still use the purple for your 2*s.
    I'm gonna keep my phone wrapped in tin foil so the update can't get to me.

    Yes i created this thread for theories. Please feel free to conspire within. icon_e_smile.gif
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    Man, I sure hope that after everything we've seen lately that no one would be dumb enough to actually buy covers for a 5* character. Sometimes you gotta let poisoned fruit die on the branch.
  • you want a conspiracy theory? I think HYDRA got control of the MPQ HQ in the lasts... let's say 2 months?
    The Red Skull is just screaming about race supremacy and nerfing everything
  • I have figured it out!!

    D3 has taken to releasing Buffs and Nerfs together. Given the popular trend of creating blended names for things we can either go with:


    or Nuff...

    Nuff = 'Nuff said = Stan "The Man" Lee

    D3 is being run by none other than Stan Lee himself!!
  • Is this for all conspiracy theories?
    Cuz I'm positive they announced the reduced iso cost for levelling (3-4 weeks ahead of release) so that we stockpile our iso. In r75 they'll introduce red iso, the new liquid that's used for levelling up 3 and 4*s. Dont worry though, you can still use the purple for your 2*s.
    I'm gonna keep my phone wrapped in tin foil so the update can't get to me.

    Could you please stop posting? Just in case the devs are listening? icon_eek.gificon_e_wink.gificon_e_biggrin.gif

    New iso? *Shudders*

  • Alexraven wrote:
    I have figured it out!!

    D3 has taken to releasing Buffs and Nerfs together. Given the popular trend of creating blended names for things we can either go with:


    or Nuff...

    Nuff = 'Nuff said = Stan "The Man" Lee

    D3 is being run by none other than Stan Lee himself!!

  • OP, im not sure that is a conspiracy theory, its more just an explanation of their business model.
  • MarCr wrote:
    OP, im not sure that is a conspiracy theory, its more just an explanation of their business model.

    My speculation is about why the nerf bat hit, and in such (X)force. The rest is my explanation as to why I think my speculation might have some credibility.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    List of 5* characters

    Even lazier Thor.
    Female Loki, steals AP on a 3 match. Gets nerfed after everyone in game buys her covers. D3 employees retire to live in the bahamas.
    Moonstone. Her Photon Blast now does 17k damage.
    X23, slices up the board in X shapes, generating absurd AP and damage. Stuns entire other team. Everyone buys her covers etc.
    Fill out with useless characters with 20 tic countdowns that do 50k damage but never go off, lock off chunks of board so you or AI cannot make any matches. Except team up tiles natch.
  • Deadpooool wrote:
    MarCr wrote:
    OP, im not sure that is a conspiracy theory, its more just an explanation of their business model.

    My speculation is about why the nerf bat hit, and in such (X)force. The rest is my explanation as to why I think my speculation might have some credibility.

    The nerf-bat always hits when an OP character gets widely used. => new OP character => give people time to spend ressources on him / wait till he gets overused => nerf.
    It has always been this way. That's why I think it's important to be ahead of the curve. If you fight for your covers the classic way, the expirationdate for that hero might almost be there by the time you're done. (depending on how fast you are compared to the horde).

    On topic, I don't think that they slow down 4* progression and then release a new star tier with it.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    What if D3 is preparing to nerf everyone to bring the the one true 5 * character that will rule the Marvel Universe? I speak, of course, of Forbush Man: http://marvel.wikia.com/Forbush_Man.