Hail.Hydra - Top 50 PvP Alliance recruiting

JustDan13 Posts: 67
edited April 2015 in MPQ Alliances
Hail.Hydra has been top 50 for the last million or so seasons in a row (or, as some lesser being count it, four). And we've got a couple of slots for heavy PvP hitters.

We require Line, and for you to be communicative (or at least responsive) in the general chat, so that the leadership can dispense wisdom. We do NOT require PvE (we have a separate alliance for that, if you're really desperate for PvE).

We're a fun group, and we understand that Life happens. Just communicate with us and we'll get along fine. We've got the leadership group and the strategies to push your scores to the upper stratosphere... or possibly even the mesosphere!

If you're interested, please shoot me a message on Line (username Just.Dan), and we'll see if you might be a good fit to come aboard and start earning those top rewards!