4* characters reward structure must be updated

I think by now is clear that the 4* aren't the big deal we were used to have
It's also clear that any OP character will be "balanced" even if its a rework, so no one is going to be surprised if eventually Professor X, Kingpin or even IW get a nerf
And their health pool wont be so big with the health buffs, because let's admit it, who's going to max a 270 character with all these changes? 166 vs 200/230 won't so far on health levels

So if 4* will be slight better 3* you really need to give some extra motivation for your players to bother to get them

1- Daily Rewards: Is it necessary to point out that it must be around day 530+ and there's no Star Lord, Elektra o Kingpin in sight?
X-Force was given quite early and we know what happened with him, these rewards should be spread out like Devil Dino and not so far or we will get Kingpins cover on day 1000, 1030, 1060
Let's also not mention its offensive to put a 3* Thor red on day 420, like if everyone so far in the game wouldnt have covered him already, so on top of giving long days for 4* we got some 3* mixed on it, with DDQ around thats truly pointless

2- Season awards: There's so many 4* right now that instead of having a season per colour cover we barely have 2 as much
Not to mention even fighting for 1000 gets more slow since there's too many of them to rotate per pvp

3- PVE 4*: PVE should have a format 150,50,5, and without alliance repeated cover, let anyone that makes top 50 get a 1-1-1 character, let the crazy enough to push 5-1 get 2 extras

There's got to be some motivation to work for them, becuase all you have been doing lately was proving that effort isn't rewarded
and pretty sure more ppl would invest on covers for them if they had 1-1-1 characters to try on

DDQ gives a daily 3*, now something should be done about 4*, there's got to be a motivation to get higher in the ranks other than get your heroes nerfed to move on the next
Its already proven that you introduce characters and to make them more popular you destroy the old ones, if thats the rule of the game its okay but if they are not that worthy at least make them less impossible to obtain

I think DDQ and the reward structure were great changes, now you need to address this one as well
Dont flood us for 4* for nothing, there's really not much motivation to work on them now