we need new stories

Story mode, also known as pve, becomes stale when the same events are repeated over and over. IMHO, new story content should be the highest priority right now. More specifically, please finish up the Dark Avengers story. The cabal's been revealed, the Sentry joined the bad guys, and then.. what? It has the feeling of a tv show that gets cancelled mid-season. At the very least there should be a final chapter featuring a satisfying throw-down between the Avengers and the combined might of the Dark Avengers/Cabal.

Another point I wanted to make is that everybody like the Enemy of the State event, and it was a cool way to introduce a new 4* (Elektra). Compare that to how King Pin has been introduced, as a prize in a chapter which makes no mention of the character whatsoever. Whenever possible, I think the former should be the model for how to add 4* characters to the game.


  • Story mode, also known as pve, becomes stale when the same events are repeated over and over. IMHO, new story content should be the highest priority right now. More specifically, please finish up the Dark Avengers story. The cabal's been revealed, the Sentry joined the bad guys, and then.. what? It has the feeling of a tv show that gets cancelled mid-season. At the very least there should be a final chapter featuring a satisfying throw-down between the Avengers and the combined might of the Dark Avengers/Cabal.

    Another point I wanted to make is that everybody like the Enemy of the State event, and it was a cool way to introduce a new 4* (Elektra). Compare that to how King Pin has been introduced, as a prize in a chapter which makes no mention of the character whatsoever. Whenever possible, I think the former should be the model for how to add 4* characters to the game.

    To add to this. there are 50 years worth of comics out there, you DON'T have to focus on the most recent stuff. How about a blast from the past event where we help cap defeat Red Skull, or we Help Ironman defeat Mandarin. You don't have to introduce the covers to talk about them being there. There is no Osborn cover and yet he is in every cut scene. There are literally thousands of pages of awesome story lines out there. Stop feeding us the same ones please!
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    Seems a lost chance to properly introduce Wilson Fisk! They lose too much time making new characters when they could be creating at least, (as you said) something like the "finale of Dark Avengers" icon_ironpatriot.png

    So yeah, new stories please!
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Houtro wrote:
    Seems a lost chance to properly introduce Wilson Fisk! They lose too much time making new characters when they could be creating at least, (as you said) something like the "finale of Dark Avengers" icon_ironpatriot.png

    So yeah, new stories please!

    I think the problem with releasing the "finale of Dark Avengers" is that the arc goes on a lot further from where we are at. We haven't even gotten to the Dark X-Men, Anti-Venom, and so much more.

    Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Iron Patriot finally get released (seriously, we have had this icon icon_ironpatriot.pngfor how long?)

    All that said, I'm sure that it takes a lot more work than we think does to get final Marvel approval on any new material. I'm sure that D3 has put forth a ton of stories for new PvE, but how many are Stan "the Man" Lee's entourage likely to approve? Part of me even wouldn't be surprised if every new character D3 releases has his/her own new PvE story written for them, but Marvel rejects most of them.