Well NOW who can I trust to level?

TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm glad I didn't pour my extra ISO into XF like I planned (sitting at 220).

Who is still worth leveling after this?


  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,487 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lots are "worth" leveling. In 4*, Fury and PX are both still good. In 3* there are plenty that are strong, including some of the newer characters (IF, Cage).

    Who can you "trust"? No one, D3 has shown us over and over that the "best" won't be that for long.
  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Just wait 2 weeks until the new top tier heroes become apparent...and level the second best one
  • I thought the answers were obviously Moonstone and Bagman...
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    It's like the stock market. You can invest short-term is the current OP character or you can look to the long-term and diversify.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Meto5000 wrote:
    Just wait 2 weeks until the new top tier heroes become apparent...and level the second best one
    Make it the third best one, because the top 2 aren't safe for long.
    Teke184 wrote:
    I thought the answers were obviously Moonstone and Bagman...
    Can here to say this.
  • Trust is a strong word and you can't, if you go behind the carrot, behind the OP new character you have to be ready for the corresponding nerf

    And not just 4*, it happens to 3*, IF was nerfed right away, Daken was nerfed by the moment you had a chance to get all his covers

    The best right now is to avoid temptation and spread out, the best right now is probably Cage, Cyclops and Blade, probably Falcon too with his health boost
    If you didnt covered CMags and LThor those should be priority even if oldies

    I dont say IF because i believe with X-Force nerf black tiles generation loses a spot right now

    I wouldnt even trust IW right now, even if her buff is great, same happened to X-Force and we know how it happens, so forget about 4*, dont fall for that game lol

    if you are lucky, you will have featured high level heroes with decent companions to take advantage
  • I don't know who said it, it was a long time, when they nerfed Sentry, but the guy made a terrific point about it, and I think it applies here just like X-Force.

    With the time he had Sentry/X-force leveled and was able to compete at a high level, he was able to win enough covers and ISO to significantly improve his roster. It sucked that Sentry/XF was/is being nerfed, but despite dumping a bunch into him, he still got WAY more out of him.

    So is it sad that XForce sucks now? Sure, but lets be honest about it. His covers were mostly easy to get as a 4 star - not requiring top 1 finishes due to his age, getting to a competent level with him was not hard, you didn't need to max him to piss on 99% of 3* rosters - so your ISO investment didn't have to be sky high, AND through it all, you most likely won MORE ISO with him to cover the cost of using him, and won more covers with him to cover owning him. Based on what I saw in PvP, pretty much everyone with a 4hor, got her by using XF. And honestly, most folks with the other 4* characters have gotten them, by using XF.

    The taxi ride is over, but he still got you pretty close to your destination if he didn't get you there.
    - Unreall
  • Aidonis
    Aidonis Posts: 87 Match Maker
    I don't know who said it, it was a long time, when they nerfed Sentry, but the guy made a terrific point about it, and I think it applies here just like X-Force.

    With the time he had Sentry/X-force leveled and was able to compete at a high level, he was able to win enough covers and ISO to significantly improve his roster. It sucked that Sentry/XF was/is being nerfed, but despite dumping a bunch into him, he still got WAY more out of him.

    So is it sad that XForce sucks now? Sure, but lets be honest about it. His covers were mostly easy to get as a 4 star - not requiring top 1 finishes due to his age, getting to a competent level with him was not hard, you didn't need to max him to piss on 99% of 3* rosters - so your ISO investment didn't have to be sky high, AND through it all, you most likely won MORE ISO with him to cover the cost of using him, and won more covers with him to cover owning him. Based on what I saw in PvP, pretty much everyone with a 4hor, got her by using XF. And honestly, most folks with the other 4* characters have gotten them, by using XF.

    The taxi ride is over, but he still got you pretty close to your destination if he didn't get you there.
    - Unreall

    1000x this.

    This forum has been hard to look at since the announcement. Good to see some folks understand this.
  • I don't know who said it, it was a long time, when they nerfed Sentry, but the guy made a terrific point about it, and I think it applies here just like X-Force.

    With the time he had Sentry/X-force leveled and was able to compete at a high level, he was able to win enough covers and ISO to significantly improve his roster. It sucked that Sentry/XF was/is being nerfed, but despite dumping a bunch into him, he still got WAY more out of him.

    So is it sad that XForce sucks now? Sure, but lets be honest about it. His covers were mostly easy to get as a 4 star - not requiring top 1 finishes due to his age, getting to a competent level with him was not hard, you didn't need to max him to piss on 99% of 3* rosters - so your ISO investment didn't have to be sky high, AND through it all, you most likely won MORE ISO with him to cover the cost of using him, and won more covers with him to cover owning him. Based on what I saw in PvP, pretty much everyone with a 4hor, got her by using XF. And honestly, most folks with the other 4* characters have gotten them, by using XF.

    The taxi ride is over, but he still got you pretty close to your destination if he didn't get you there.
    - Unreall

    That is true but is also part of the problem
    I didnt get to use Rags or Spidey on their best days
    Then i had different experiences with the rest, I got to use CMags blue crazy cascade skills for 2 months
    Laken was nerfed just when i completed him
    I did manage to use Sentry but i cry now when i see him, wasted iso on him and its totally useless even featured in pvp

    Until then it was all kinda acceptable, but when you are messing with 4* the gap widens, and i dont know others but it feels stupid to go to the effort of getting all those 4* covers and see him turn to useless

    What's the motivation to get a high pve and pvp score if this is the price?
    I didnt mind about 3*, there's plenty of them already to load iso, and those nerfs had months and months of difference

    The problem is that they got greedy and attacked all the base of all stars in the same close period
    2*: Mags and Storm dont work like before, main characters for the 2* line, and i dont think anyone believes Ms Marvel and Torch 2* are valuable aditions (if they were it might have sense to add diversity)
    3*: Hood, Loki, main characters in the 3* line are not included in hp boost, nor truehealing Daken/Patch
    4*: They took down the only usable 4* we had left and they keep feeding us with **** new 4*
    So In the last months they took out Thoress stun lock, they are taking Hulkboming now, they took Sentry bombing
    So there's any taxi left?

    This is not a balance, this seems more like an attack to your roster, what you built in a year a half is going down to trash
    It makes ppl wonder why to bother to a play a game that doesnt respect its own rules and kicks everything through the window when it wants

    it's more about that, than "aw my OP X-Force was destroyed"
  • racanrpa
    racanrpa Posts: 32
    Agent Alex wrote:
    I don't know who said it, it was a long time, when they nerfed Sentry, but the guy made a terrific point about it, and I think it applies here just like X-Force.

    With the time he had Sentry/X-force leveled and was able to compete at a high level, he was able to win enough covers and ISO to significantly improve his roster. It sucked that Sentry/XF was/is being nerfed, but despite dumping a bunch into him, he still got WAY more out of him.

    So is it sad that XForce sucks now? Sure, but lets be honest about it. His covers were mostly easy to get as a 4 star - not requiring top 1 finishes due to his age, getting to a competent level with him was not hard, you didn't need to max him to piss on 99% of 3* rosters - so your ISO investment didn't have to be sky high, AND through it all, you most likely won MORE ISO with him to cover the cost of using him, and won more covers with him to cover owning him. Based on what I saw in PvP, pretty much everyone with a 4hor, got her by using XF. And honestly, most folks with the other 4* characters have gotten them, by using XF.

    The taxi ride is over, but he still got you pretty close to your destination if he didn't get you there.
    - Unreall

    That is true but is also part of the problem
    I didnt get to use Rags or Spidey on their best days
    Then i had different experiences with the rest, I got to use CMags blue crazy cascade skills for 2 months
    Laken was nerfed just when i completed him
    I did manage to use Sentry but i cry now when i see him, wasted iso on him and its totally useless even featured in pvp

    Until then it was all kinda acceptable, but when you are messing with 4* the gap widens, and i dont know others but it feels stupid to go to the effort of getting all those 4* covers and see him turn to useless

    What's the motivation to get a high pve and pvp score if this is the price?
    I didnt mind about 3*, there's plenty of them already to load iso, and those nerfs had months and months of difference

    The problem is that they got greedy and attacked all the base of all stars in the same close period
    2*: Mags and Storm dont work like before, main characters for the 2* line, and i dont think anyone believes Ms Marvel and Torch 2* are valuable aditions (if they were it might have sense to add diversity)
    3*: Hood, Loki, main characters in the 3* line are not included in hp boost, nor truehealing Daken/Patch
    4*: They took down the only usable 4* we had left and they keep feeding us with **** new 4*
    So In the last months they took out Thoress stun lock, they are taking Hulkboming now, they took Sentry bombing
    So there's any taxi left?

    This is not a balance, this seems more like an attack to your roster, what you built in a year a half is going down to trash
    It makes ppl wonder why to bother to a play a game that doesnt respect its own rules and kicks everything through the window when it wants

    it's more about that, than "aw my OP X-Force was destroyed"

    Actually, it is balance. now you won t have a visible OP chacarcter, neither a "xxx bombing", wich makes the game borderline unfair, because if you don t have that "xxx" character(s) you are in disadvantage.
    I didn t play with rags or spidey as well (got my 1st blue nearly day 250, right before he got nerfed icon_redface.gif ), but remember everybody saying at least spidey becoming boring becasue of how slow. Used patchneto, and it did seem unfair wining that easlily. Used Sentry bombing as well and i hated it. But had to use it because it was the only thing that could let you score high those days (believe me, i tried all sort of combinations tring to avoid sentry). If, to beat a character, you can only do it by using his mirror, something is not right.
    The problem what they are doing in order to get this balanced game. Instead of upgrading regular characters, they nerf the good ones, and that seems unfair for those who spent time/money on them.
    I actually don t understand why the nerf of x force and GT was that hard. You could lower the damage of green by 1000 points and take the AP gain in black, for X force, and nerf blue by stuning less and creating 2-3 charged tiles in GT and you would ended up with 2 great characters, powerfull but still beatable by any 3 star.png
    I like the idea of balancing the game, but not if to do so you have to make some good and powerfull characters in such weaker versions of themselves.
    And by not buffing the health of hood/loki and the rest, they are basicly doing the same, making a worst version of once a good character (this time by "lowering" their health)
  • racanrpa wrote:
    I like the idea of balancing the game

    I like it too, just not the way they use
    ISO income is a problem, that they might address soon as announced by as of today there was no solution
    If got SIX maxed 3*, and they nerfed half of them and if got FOUR 4* around 200 and they nerfed half of them
    That doesn't sit like balance to me

    The more i play the more they screw the team that i already have, and that is the problem
    I dont have the ISO to level 10 3* and play happily forever with a balanced team
  • Der_Lex
    Der_Lex Posts: 1,035 Chairperson of the Boards

    4*'s may come and 4*'s may go, but Bagman is always there for you, slinging webs wherever he goes.

    Laugh at the wit of his snarky remarks.

    Stare with childlike wonder as he pulls off one of his amazing switcheroos.

    Bagman is love. Bagman is life.


    Or alternatively, Moonstone.
  • My secret hope is that with these crazy changes they reset x-force back to base level and refund his iso. Everyone keeps all their covers and those who want to can put the iso right back in and carry on, but people could also take that iso and divert it to other projects if they preferred
  • I don't know who said it, it was a long time, when they nerfed Sentry, but the guy made a terrific point about it, and I think it applies here just like X-Force.

    With the time he had Sentry/X-force leveled and was able to compete at a high level, he was able to win enough covers and ISO to significantly improve his roster. It sucked that Sentry/XF was/is being nerfed, but despite dumping a bunch into him, he still got WAY more out of him.

    So is it sad that XForce sucks now? Sure, but lets be honest about it. His covers were mostly easy to get as a 4 star - not requiring top 1 finishes due to his age, getting to a competent level with him was not hard, you didn't need to max him to piss on 99% of 3* rosters - so your ISO investment didn't have to be sky high, AND through it all, you most likely won MORE ISO with him to cover the cost of using him, and won more covers with him to cover owning him. Based on what I saw in PvP, pretty much everyone with a 4hor, got her by using XF. And honestly, most folks with the other 4* characters have gotten them, by using XF.

    The taxi ride is over, but he still got you pretty close to your destination if he didn't get you there.
    - Unreall

    The blow of losing your only useful 4* isn't really softened by earning more sidegrade 3*s. The Sentry anecdote made sense cause you used him to get the 4* progressions, which were useful and compensated the loss of a 3*. What can you have possibly earned with your XForce that actually makes some kind of difference to your roster? You already had a load of 3*s, the new ones aren't an upgrade so your roster didn't get any better per se.... (assuming you're a vet not someone who rushed an XForce from 2* land).

    Your argument would work if other 4*s were meaningfully better than 3*s.... Not sure how true that is though so not sure what you gained to compensate his loss.
  • zeeke
    zeeke Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    As I said in another thread, the reason I love SS is not because of the damage, it is because it makes a perfect partner to just about any other character. You can look at the competing lineup and bring your own to match that. So if I'm facing a green user, xf will do by himself, yellow goes with hood or Cage, red, 4hor or even DD, red LT etc etc. It makes combos and make for an interesting game play.

    I'd rather they lower the dmg on black to next to nothing and keep it as is, that way he is at least more interesting than Gamora.
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    You should put iso into the heroes you enjoy playing. This is a game, and you should be playing for enjoyment. I like icon_falcon.png and icon_punisher.png , they are definitely not the best characters on my roster, but I think they are fun and interesting. Try some new combos you haven't used before, find something you like, and level them. No hero is safe from the nerf-bat, but every hero is also in line for a buff as well.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am convince the Devs want 3* storm to be good. She is a consistant prize, and regularly buffed in PVE. Hey might even eventually buff her so we finally use her in the game. I am not saying to use her but if you take her to 166 when the buff finally happens you will be ahead of the game.

    On a side not dare I say beast even for PVE? His blue is fixed and his green is decent with damage and board shake up. On defense he might bring someone back from the almost dead.

    Fear the beast the marginally good 3*
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I'm glad I didn't pour my extra ISO into XF like I planned (sitting at 220).

    Who is still worth leveling after this?


    You know the cycle of this game right?

    Maybe go back and read the old description of original 4* XForce.

    Give it four or eight months for the roller coaster to reset. When the number of XF users decreases (if that happens), XF will be reborn on some future retooling of the game. Maybe they will double his HP? Maybe they will make his green add strike tiles after destroying the board? Maybe his black will drain random AP?

    Who knows what the game will look like in late 2015?

    Old version XF may be totally weak compared to the 5* Ultron that everyone is rocking to celebrate the Blu-ray release of the next movie? You all wanted more villains, but seriously, Ultron makes old XForce look like Bagman.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Always bet on Beast.
  • racanrpa
    racanrpa Posts: 32
    Agent Alex wrote:
    racanrpa wrote:
    I like the idea of balancing the game

    I like it too, just not the way they use
    ISO income is a problem, that they might address soon as announced by as of today there was no solution
    If got SIX maxed 3*, and they nerfed half of them and if got FOUR 4* around 200 and they nerfed half of them
    That doesn't sit like balance to me

    The more i play the more they screw the team that i already have, and that is the problem
    I dont have the ISO to level 10 3* and play happily forever with a balanced team
    racanrpa wrote:
    The problem what they are doing in order to get this balanced game. Instead of upgrading regular characters, they nerf the good ones, and that seems unfair for those who spent time/money on them.
    Is exactly what i said icon_e_wink.gificon_e_smile.gif
    And not only ISO is an issue, roster slots as well. They say they d like people to have roster diversity, but you can t have that if rosters slots are so expensive