Stop equating 'different' with 'worthless'

I've been engaging in a bit of post patch rage myself and I understand that some decisions have been made that annoy a lot of people. One trend that really irritates me though is when a character is nerfed people start throwing 'worthless' around way too quickly.

'Worthless' means that the character now has no use, but too often people are using it to say 'now I can't win matches as quickly or in the same way I used to'.

Thor and Wolverine have both been refocused to suit their ranking and the devs desires for their play style better. The thought process behind each change was described in great detail in their patch notes and you know made sense. You might not like the changes and by all means you are able to say so, but the characters aren't 'worthless' , you just have to play them differently.

It was the same with Ragnarok. He was changed because he was too powerful and after his change people couldn't stomp through matches with him anymore. However, I've been on the receiving end of Rag cascades since the patch and guess what - it still hurts. It just doesn't wipe out my entire party.

It's OK to dislike character balance changes but sometimes you need to take a step back and realign your own approach, rather than take up arms and demand a blood sacrifice that something doesn't do as much flat damage.