What is the intended way for 2* players to transition?



  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    meekersX wrote:
    The one exception is The Hood who I have covered perfectly but have left at 94 to not hurt my PvE scaling.

    People are far too fixated on crippling their team based on rumour. Yes apparently your highest character does affect your PvE scaling. But it is to a miniscule amount, +1-+5 levels added according to tesing based on adding a 270 X-Force to a roster.

    In the recent PvE for quicksilver I and a lot of others got 1 cover based on scoring around 30k. The top scorer in my bracket scored over 150k. That is affecting their scaling far far more than my X Force is - None of my opponents became unreasonable until the end and even then they were level 240ish on the hardest nodes.

    Even on 10 covers, a 10 covered Patch or Laken can add far more to your team than sticking with a 2* based on longevity. Both of hem were in my go to team long before they were maxed. A 10 covered Falcon can change how you deal with PvE nodes and especially multiple round nodes. Deadpool with one pink cover is effective once a fortnight. Loki with one pink and one green can be a game changer. You don't need all 13 covers to make a difference.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    meekersX wrote:
    Even before the PvP changes, I was unable to consistently finish in the top 100 with my star.pngstar.png roster. I needed either a fresh bracket, some luck in not getting hit, and usually both. With the PvP changes, it seems nigh impossible for me to place decently in any PvP event. I'm consistently matched against maxed star.pngstar.pngstar.png that destroy my team. I'm also unable to even earn the 300 point progression reward that has a chance of awarding a cover. In fact, I'm way off the pace to get the Heroic 10-Pack for this season even though I comfortably earned it last season. PvP is unplayable currently with my roster.

    With the new matchmaking, it's still possible to get 300+ with 2* rosters, but it's MUCH more expensive (in terms of iso, not real life currency). I even got there in both the Hulk and Daredevil events, but it cost literally thousands of iso to skip the 166/270's. The revised matchmaking is much better than those events, although it's still costing more than previous seasons. Having a non-loaner simplifies this a lot (honestly, I'm not sure I could have done it in the Hulk event without a decent Hulk of my own, but my Daredevil was only 1/2/2 so it doesn't take much), particularly as you have to reliably beat a steady stream of Level 94 Ares/OBW/Daken/Thor/Wolverine + loaner over and over and over again. Also, last season you could have hit 400 in one go in most events if you waited until there was ~12 hours left in the event, but now you probably can' t unless you buy healthpacks or get lucky. Start early and try and do 100-150 minimum per push. Also, assume you will lose ~50 between pushes, until you cross 400 where you'll be getting hit a lot. If you are in a bracket with good players, you can trade counterattacks with other 2*'s, which helps a lot.

    Also, to echo what others have said, don't be too scared of leveling your 3*'s, at least a little. I brought my Hulk to Level 110 and my Squirrel Girl to 100 and I've noticed no practical difference in PVE scaling. Make sure you check what colors he tanks before you level the Hood too much (as others have suggested) just so he doesn't die too easily. Your Thor looks ready to contribute right now and your Cyclops with have an 8th cover in a week or two from DDQ, even if you get no others 3*'s in the meantime, so he'll be ready to contribute more soon as well.

    In any case, good luck with making it to 3* land...
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Just thought I would update this thread for anyone who might be curious about my experiences.

    The Ultron event treated me well in terms of cover rewards. I also received a greenflag.png cover for star.pngstar.pngstar.png Thor from my Season XIII 10-Pack to take him to 5/5/3. I obtained many other covers as well, so I only needed to wait for the R75 Iso-8 Leveling Update before leveling my roster.

    I leveled my roster on Tuesday, May 5th, after unlocking my Enemy of the State sub-event. This allowed me to keep my old scaling for one sub-event and get experience with my new characters. In addition to leveling The Hood and Thor to 166, I also leveled Black Widow to 130 and the other boosted characters I had as high as I could: Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Kamala Khan, and Rocket & Groot. I also leveled Iron Fist and Luke Cage. With my old scaling intact, it was a joke to grind nodes to 0 points. My preferred team was Rocket & Groot, Cyclops, and Thor. When the next sub-event opened, my scaling definitely was very slightly higher, but the power of my star.pngstar.pngstar.pngs made nodes easier to clear relatively. With Thick as Thieves, I again wanted to level the boosted characters I have, but am short Iso-8 to level The Punisher. Fortunately, star.pngstar.png Black Widow, star.pngstar.pngstar.png Thor, and star.pngstar.pngstar.png Storm is doing a lot of work for me.

    As far as PvP, I have experienced 2 events with my leveled roster. For both events, I've been able to exploit my boosted Rocket & Groot with star.pngstar.pngstar.png Thor. Rocket & Groot tanked yellowflag.png and greenflag.png for Thor and minimized health pack usage. Thor is able to do massive damage with redflag.png and yellowflag.png after I get blueflag.png strike tiles out. I could use greenflag.png with Rocket & Groot for board shake and match damage with strike tiles, using Thor's greenflag.png more as a finisher. I placed top 25 in a newish bracket for Red Shift and top 50 in a older bracket for Real McCoy. I was fortunate to have a 1/3/5 Rocket & Groot at 117, 164 when boosted. I won't have that advantage for the coming week. I'm thinking boosted star.pngstar.png Black Widow with star.pngstar.pngstar.png Thor might be my best team for climbing. It's tempting to put more Iso-8 into The Punisher, but I don't think he'll be good on defense and he duplicates two of Thor's colors. I think it'll be difficult to consistently place top 25 if I don't use shields, but hopefully finishing top 100 should be relatively easy.

    As for my feelings on the transition, I'm very pleased. I think the addition of weekly boosted characters has made a huge difference in making it easier. The Iso-8 Leveling Update also helped my Iso-8 to go further. PvE scaling doesn't seem to be a large issue if you have boosted star.pngstar.pngstar.pngs with at least 9-10 covers. It also helps to have a high tier star.pngstar.pngstar.png that you can max like Thor who can carry even if not boosted. The Hood has been relatively disappointing for me so far; I think the health changes have hurt him significantly. Longer matches make stealing AP less valuable, while his low health means you get less value for health pack usage. In 3 days my Doctor Doom will have 13 covers, and in 14 days my Human Torch will have 13 covers, so I will definitely be Iso-8 starved rather than cover starved now. Hopefully I can remain competitive with what I have, using boosted characters as much as possible.

    26 days later, my star.pngstar.pngstar.png roster:
    1    Beast
    2    Black Panther     2    1/1/0    43
    3    Black Widow      10    5/5/1    130
    4    Blade             4    0/2/2    63
    5    Captain America   7    3/3/1    78
    6    Captain Marvel    3    1/1/1    45
    7    Colossus
    8    Cyclops           8    3/3/2    102
    9    Daken             7    4/2/1    45
    10   Daredevil         3    2/0/1    53
    11   Deadpool          6    2/2/2    76
    12   Doctor Doom      12    3/5/4    140
    13   Doctor Octopus
    14   Falcon            4    1/2/1    55
    15   Gamora            7    2/4/1    66
    16   The Hood         13    5/5/3    166
    17   The Hulk          4    2/2/0    63
    18   Human Torch      12    4/5/3    94
    19   Iron Fist         9    3/2/4    114
    20   Iron Man          4    0/2/2    63
    21   Kamala Khan       5    2/2/1    66
    22   Loki              1    0/0/1    40
    23   Luke Cage        10    4/3/3    127
    24   Magneto           8    5/2/1    104
    25   Mystique          7    1/4/2    91
    26   Psylocke
    27   The Punisher     11    2/5/4    70
    28   Quicksilver       4    1/2/1    78
    29   Ragnarok          5    1/3/1    68
    30   Rocket & Groot    9    1/3/5    117
    31   Scarlet Witch     5    2/2/1    66
    32   Sentry            2    1/1/0    43
    33   She-Hulk          5    2/1/2    78
    34   Spider-Man
    35   Squirrel Girl     3    2/1/0    53
    36   Storm            10    4/3/3    127
    37   Thor             13    5/5/3    166
    38   Wolverine         4    1/3/0    66
  • Staals
    Staals Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I see some similiarities between your way of transitioning and my own. The biggest difference is in the way I think you undervalue The Hood. Especially in combination with your Lazy Thor and Rocket & Groot. It's a team I generally use a lot in PVE since The Hood's black can shorten the countdown of I Got A Plan and his Twin Pistols can prove to be vauable in clearing away enemy countdown tiles.

    In PVP I feel like using two level 166 characters deters a lot of insecure players of the same level. And Thor and Grocket are generally played fairly well by the computer.
  • Unknown
    the intended way to for 2* players to transition is get every 3* cover, do deadpool daily for 708 months.

  • patrice789
    patrice789 Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    raisinbman wrote:
    the intended way to for 2* players to transition is get every 3* cover, do deadpool daily for 708 months.


    Honestly, that's better than just relying on chance. I'm still a transitioner myself, but DPQ has immensly helped me get more covers, allowing me to strengthened my team.

    Now, for awhile, I just had to rely on getting 4000 on PVP and using various maxed 2* characters to get the 10 pack and be lucky. Again, before, It was to be lucky.

    Now, it's much easier to transition than say when I started back last year in June
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    like staals I see similarities between where you were pre-ultron and where I was abt a season and a half ago. as soon as my Lthor got to ~140 and loki got to 120 (that was my pair for pvp,, they are now 166 and 140), I immediately started finishing t100 in pvp and those extra covers every 3 days really help. basically I am transitioning by:

    * pve finishes (sometimes t150, sometimes t50) and progressions
    * pvp finishes (usually t100 but did finish t25 once or twice),
    * ddq and
    * token pulls

    day 165 here (xf black, yahoo) and I did put some money into the game - twice for roster slots and once for a handful of covers to start finishing t100 in pvp (3 thor covers and 3 loki covers). I now have ~10 other ***s at 104 (or at least enough covers to get there) and 1 fully covered and a couple others close to covered (but not good enough to spend iso on at this point - squirrel girl, daredevil, etc). I have seen some affects on scaling in pve but I'm willing to accept that for the extra 2-3 covers a week from pvp.

    latest stretch of awards kinda slowed my progress down - all the beast/dr.ock/shulk (she could be useful but not at -/1/2)/colossus (event coming up)/etc. are useless for me. and I really haven't found good uses for SW or QS yet, so its been a while since the awards really helped my progress (the steve rogers right before ultron helped a ton though - earned 4 covers within a day or so - also bought a 5th red shortly after the event).

    no idea how they intend it, but that's how I'm doing it.