Confirmation Button Before Expending HP

Please, put a confirmation message in every action that means expending HP. With the last patch the "+3 to all" boost changed to a 100HP and i click on it without realizing of that change until it was done ... It triggered my anger like Hulk icon_mrgreen.gif . Grrrrr

I have spent HP in health pack by accident to.

This should be easy to apply.


  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    yes, that would be really nice ... I just bought a 300HP heroic cover by accident (wanted to get my stored up standard cover..)...

    at least I got lucky and got a hulk cover for it icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Even better would be to have HP Lock toggle button right beside HP number. While locked anything costing HP is disabled/neutralized without any question. When it's unlocked everything works like now. Like in trading platforms.

    Would solve most of client side problems (and prevent the connected support tickets and frustration) at cost of really low dev effort.

    (Certainly preventing some probably steady HP-spending income resulting from misclicks that trumps stuff like customer satisfaction.)
  • NighteyesGrisu: The "lock HP" option would be great too icon_e_biggrin.gif

    pasa_: You lucky man having a Hulk cover "by accident" icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • This has been asked several times and there are other threads asking for confirmation before any in-game transaction is completed. They obviously don't care and want to screw you out of HP so that buy more.