My most wanted features


I would classify myself as a casual veteran - I play over a year ( although my daily reward is only 230 - I dont play every single day ), Ive spent about 40 euros on the game so far ( all that went into roster slots, never bought a shield, tokens or health packs / boosts ). My roster is full 94 lvl 2* as expected ( except spidey bagman, moonstone, ms. marvel who i dont have covers for, since shes pretty new, and also i dont have my captain america leveled since he aint that good compared to ares, thor and wolverine ). My three star roster is getting bigger and bigger, the daily quests help with that a lot. So far I have 166 leveled patch wolverine and hulk. I have enough covers to level daredevil, and iron man. Theres like 5 or 6 other three star characters that iam missing only one or two covers, then I have a whole bunch of characters for whom i have between 3 and 10 covers and only few ( mostly the new ones ) where I only have one or two covers... from the 3* characters iam currently missing only doc. octopus and gamora. My 4* is basically non existent... i have 6 covers for invisible women, 6 covers for xforce, 1 elektra, 1 prof X, and 3 thor.

tldr: My transition to 3 star roster is well underway.

Here are some thoughs on the game, things that I dont like and things I would like to see the most:

1. For gods sake change the stupid cover system already, so that people can have all 15 at the time and choose the 13 they want to use. You could make either ISO or HP cost associated with the respec or make it a time cooldown thing so people cant swap it arbitrarily before each match. But please fix this glaring problem already. People are selling unused covers and then you decide to change something and suddently 5/5/3 build is **** and 5/3/5 is much better... and voila youre screwed, because all the extra covers you sold months ago are needed right now.... This bugs me the most - if you once had 5 covers from one color, you shouldnt need to colect that again after the next patch.

2. Second biggest issue is PvE essential characters... why is that even a thing? I would undestand it if you gave people the character when theyre missing it, like you do in PvP, but no. If you miss character, you cant play several nodes in pvp. When theres new character, immediately after its release, the next event has nodes where its essential. So basically if you miss one PvE character release, you will have tough time getting the next one, and the next one and so on... Is this to boost sales? Do you really think that people will see that they need the new character and go buy some tokens with "slightly" inscreased chance to get one? Nope! Buying tokens in hope of getting one specific character cover is just ridiculous. All this accomplishes is frustration and force people to dump their playtime into the game, because they need to finish well in each pve event so they dont miss a single character.

3. ISO - With the addition of daily quests and bonus rates for 3* covers from tokens theres simply not enough ISO to keep your roster leveled up... I noticed devs are planning some changes in this regard, so hopefully that will help with the issue. But still, I think there should be repeatable node or something, where you can farm ISO more efficiently than killing lvl 3 doctor Doom in the baxter building over and over for 20 iso at a time.

4. PvE scaling and time investments - a lot of people are complaining about the pve scaling. And yes I agree that sometimes fighting lvl 275 ares who got two npcs who are feeding him green or yellow is very frustrating. But there should be hard missions, the game shouldnt be completely easy all the time. I dont really mind wiping two or three times on such a node. The problem is when there are several of those combined with the way PvE point rewards work. In order to get the most possible points you have to kill every node every 8 hours, and then when the event is ending you have to clean up everything six times. First of all, the need to play every 8 hours is quite annoying, second of all - you cant wipe couple of times on each node, when you have to clear them all six times in few hours before the event ends....

I think that how PvE works needs a major revisit. It would a lot easier to make the events work in a way that the nodes dont reset every 8 hours, based on where you cleared them, but rather would reset on midnight every day. Therefore you could decide whether you want to play in the morning, afternoon or evenings, based on your preference, all that would matter is that you play at least once a day between the resets. If you implement something along those lines, you could also get rid of the different time shard ending times. Every event would simply start at midnight and end at midnight. If someone is from different timezone the events might start at weird times - but since they would only have to play once every 24 hours, it wouldnt really matter that the event end at 4am local time, because there would be no "last hour grind". You would change the amount of times each node can be completed for points - 5 times (or 10 times if it turns out that everyone is completing it fully and all the players have the same amount of points ). Therefore to maximize the points you get, you simply would need to complete every node 5 times each day, instead of completing each node once every 8 hours and then six times in the last two or three hours before the event ends... This way the hard nodes with characters scaled to high levels could be completed more easily - yea they would be hard, yea your team would die, but also you would have enough time to let them heal and try again in few hours.


  • Hello,

    3. ISO - With the addition of daily quests and bonus rates for 3* covers from tokens theres simply not enough ISO to keep your roster leveled up... I noticed devs are planning some changes in this regard, so hopefully that will help with the issue. But still, I think there should be repeatable node or something, where you can farm ISO more efficiently than killing lvl 3 doctor Doom in the baxter building over and over for 20 iso at a time.

    4. PvE scaling and time investments - a lot of people are complaining about the pve scaling. And yes I agree that sometimes fighting lvl 275 ares who got two npcs who are feeding him green or yellow is very frustrating. But there should be hard missions, the game shouldnt be completely easy all the time. I dont really mind wiping two or three times on such a node. The problem is when there are several of those combined with the way PvE point rewards work. In order to get the most possible points you have to kill every node every 8 hours, and then when the event is ending you have to clean up everything six times. First of all, the need to play every 8 hours is quite annoying, second of all - you cant wipe couple of times on each node, when you have to clear them all six times in few hours before the event ends....

    I think that how PvE works needs a major revisit. It would a lot easier to make the events work in a way that the nodes dont reset every 8 hours, based on where you cleared them, but rather would reset on midnight every day. Therefore you could decide whether you want to play in the morning, afternoon or evenings, based on your preference, all that would matter is that you play at least once a day between the resets. If you implement something along those lines, you could also get rid of the different time shard ending times. Every event would simply start at midnight and end at midnight. If someone is from different timezone the events might start at weird times - but since they would only have to play once every 24 hours, it wouldnt really matter that the event end at 4am local time, because there would be no "last hour grind". You would change the amount of times each node can be completed for points - 5 times (or 10 times if it turns out that everyone is completing it fully and all the players have the same amount of points ). Therefore to maximize the points you get, you simply would need to complete every node 5 times each day, instead of completing each node once every 8 hours and then six times in the last two or three hours before the event ends... This way the hard nodes with characters scaled to high levels could be completed more easily - yea they would be hard, yea your team would die, but also you would have enough time to let them heal and try again in few hours.

    on #3 I said this in a prior post. And it goes to that. I think a 10 -20 wave level where you gained ISO per clear would be awesome for this.

    on #4 I am okay with the game scaling a little. but not when I am not able to beat the node at lvl 222, a little later when I have Healthpacks and healed heroes they are not 275!! I couldn't beat it before I am not gonna waste my time now. Scaling should be on a player basis NOT a community basis.


    I LOVE this idea. I have a full time job, a 5 year old and I am going back to school for an advanced degree. I really like this game but seriously I shouldn't have to invest this much damn time just to place top 100.
  • mu7an7
    mu7an7 Posts: 34
    NototoHoshi wrote:
    3. ISO - With the addition of daily quests and bonus rates for 3* covers from tokens theres simply not enough ISO to keep your roster leveled up... I noticed devs are planning some changes in this regard, so hopefully that will help with the issue. But still, I think there should be repeatable node or something, where you can farm ISO more efficiently than killing lvl 3 doctor Doom in the baxter building over and over for 20 iso at a time.

    Also agree and that would in some way make up for a lot of the skip-tax that is being used more frequently these days.