Bite-sized PVP - why not?

I'm actually on a bit of a casual hiatus right now because I'm working on some grad projects and can't devote the time to MPQ. And while I don't agree that the recent changes (aside from the X-Force nerf which obviously will) are going to have significant effects on health pack use or match time, getting top 150 or top 100 in PvP or PvE just takes too damn long, the reward is so small, the sunk cost is so high if you miss placement and get nothing worthwhile. And IMO 1-minute Sentrybomb battles just takes too much away from actually playing the match-3 game, while it's clear devs (for whatever reasons) don't want 1-minute battles either, so battles are going to remain a bit longer.

We know that d3p tweaks things like who you see and point gains/losses based on your score. Could they lower this so top tier PVP "equilibrium" happens at 400-500 points? Halve the progression rewards. Still 3-day PVP. Keep 20 points at "your level" and stifle how much you get for higher ranked battles so it's capped at 30, not 50. Possibly (haven't thought this part through much oh god don't flame me) put a progressively decreasing ceiling on point gains above 500 so people get diminishing returns on shield hopping above that

90% of PVP is that last 300 points (usually on the last day) anyways I think people would still use shields to protect points when they can't play at the end or to get one or two hops in...

It could work?


  • It's a very constructive thought and worth looking at. I wish I had red name to go with this comment, but for what it is worth.

    I have far more issues with the MMR change (and I do not even think the current system is very good, just not sure what to do to make it good either.) than of the nerfs.

    I find the current types of gameplay craving a bit too much time to be honest. I do not mind matches taking time, I much would prefer a system where I got matched up against your team, I choose counters and try to fight it, someone else finds a counter to my team, win against me, and so on. I wish they would stay, but that there were more things like the lightning rounds, or possibly even an ongoing gauntlet. Imagine a gauntlet where the players actually made the progression up (though I would actually think that'd be hell to program. Anyone know?)