A 2* Transitioners take on 4*'s

LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey Guys! (Gals.. maybe)

So I'm a 2* Transitioner... lots of 3*'s, some 4*'s .. but none cover maxed. Just thought I would add my opinion to this issue so have come up with a couple points I feel need to be said. Feel free to disregard...icon_e_smile.gif

1. 4* characters should be in all cases better then a 3* - I figure the difference between them should be the same as the difference between a 2 and 3* character. Are you ever going to use a 2* character in a team of maxed 3*? unlikely, maybe in certain special situations with OBW or something. I have no idea why they want the 4* "power band" to be so low, it should be high. People with 4* rosters should beat 3* rosters. This drives straight into my 2nd point.

2. D3 should be focusing on making the 4* tier - I don't think they should be releasing any 3* characters anymore. Look at this from the point of something like World of Warcraft. They make a new tier of gear and everyone tries to get that tier. You don't see them trying to stabilize the game at one gear level because people always want to strive to get the next best thing.

3. New Events for PVE - I think they should be focusing on releasing new events rather then just rerunning the old ones. It's not a problem to run them sometimes, but after a while this gets tedious. Sure PVE has some problems like Scaling and such, but all in all I think it's ok. It is the way that 2* teams can compete to get covers in the current meta. But maybe they could change that with my 4th point.

4. PVP should have tiers - I think everyone can agree that PVP is messed up. It seems incredible obvious that different lvl rosters should have different level events to enter with different rewards. Quite frankly the lack of this and the fact that D3 has ignored the reward structure for so long (I'm looking at you SIM) strikes me as just laziness. It's like they are so busing doing something else that they haven't looked back and realized that people no longer want the same covers they did a year ago.

5. Nerfing/Buffing doesn't need to be extreme - Look at how a game like DOTA balances it's characters. That game is infinitely more complex and the interactions are a lot harder to determine. Yet, they balance the characters on a regular basis and usually only a very minor amount each time. This allows them to see how the change has effected the meta and make additional changes in the future. If you only made these incremental changes on a regular basis people wouldn't freak out so much each time.

6. New Tokens - They should make a second level of token that gives the next level of rewards. This would go along with point 4 and having different reward levels.

7. Vaulting Sucks - Along with point 6 - just split the 3*'s into groups and let people pick which group to open their tokens from. If it means people are only opening one of the packs that tells you something about which characters are wanted.

I'm sure there are lots of issues I'm forgetting about but that's enough for now. My major gripe is that they seem to want to stabilize the game at 3* instead of moving forward.

Thanks for reading!


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    LXSandman wrote:
    Hey Guys! (Gals.. maybe)

    2. D3 should be focusing on making the 4* tier - I don't think they should be releasing any 3* characters anymore. Look at this from the point of something like World of Warcraft. They make a new tier of gear and everyone tries to get that tier. You don't see them trying to stabilize the game at one gear level because people always want to strive to get the next best thing.

    3. New Events for PVE - I think they should be focusing on releasing new events rather then just rerunning the old ones. It's not a problem to run them sometimes, but after a while this gets tedious. Sure PVE has some problems like Scaling and such, but all in all I think it's ok. It is the way that 2* teams can compete to get covers in the current meta. But maybe they could change that with my 4th point.

    4. PVP should have tiers - I think everyone can agree that PVP is messed up. It seems incredible obvious that different lvl rosters should have different level events to enter with different rewards. Quite frankly the lack of this and the fact that D3 has ignored the reward structure for so long (I'm looking at you SIM) strikes me as just laziness. It's like they are so busing doing something else that they haven't looked back and realized that people no longer want the same covers they did a year ago.

    Thanks for reading!

    As a transitioner, i have to completely agree on some of these. They need to introduce 5* chars and add more 4*'s, give the 3* pool a bit to give people time to catch up. I do think a new 1* is not a bad idea though.

    The other 2 points, spot on.