A Word on Changes and Player Reactions

TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
As many of you probably do not know, I used to have a different name on here, Stephen43084 and then later on The_Valeyard (because I did not have room in my signature to put my ign because it was filled with an argument requesting the PVE reward structure for 4* PVE's be changed). What you do not know is that I actually left the forum before the end of last season and was intent on not returning. I was no longer having fun here, and I often was writing negative things that I did not like that I had written several minutes after I finished writing it.

Recently, there have been a bunch of changes that have adversely affected the veteran players. I think any one of the changes would have been okay, but so many in such as short period. I've seen many players talk of quitting in the past, but for the first time I believed them. I recently wrote three scathing posts berating MPQ of making all these changes that came at the expense of veteran players. I wrote them because although to MPQ players may be viewed mainly as consumers or customers, that's not who they are to me. I know we will all eventually move on (even Phantron), but it really deeply affected me to see so many people I enjoyed reading and talking to leaving the game. I wrote them because I miss them and I may soon be missing other people. I deleted them and wrote this because most of the developers are not worth my time writing to tell them things that they should know; however, the players are worth my time, and you are the ones that I should have spent time writing to.

The real truth is MPQ has an established pattern. Whether we agree or disagree with it is not the point. The point is we should know what to expect by now. It is okay to be aggravated or frustrated by it. I'm happy to say my phone still has a solid record of not being thrown against any walls, but I intend to keep tempting fate and continue playing despite all the changes and future changes until I no longer have fun playing.

It is my sincerest hope people will do what we have always done--adapt. If you are tired of adapting, I hope you'll step away and then give it another chance. If you still do not like it, let's face it, it's MPQ give it a week, something else will change. The reality is there will be more changes. More nerfs will come, but with it will be new characters and features (also a new pve or two wouldn't hurt). But if this is truly farewell, know that you are valued by your fellow players and forumites. I wish I could offer you more than best wishes, but that is all I have to offer.

This is all I have to say on the subject of nerfs, mmr, etc. I will not say anything further.

I plan on visiting the forum a little more often, but it will be solely for trying to help players, offering constructive criticism, and goofing off. I miss goofing off with you good people, but I was not having fun visiting here in a long while now. I understand we have lost some key members, and I hope other veterans will step up to fill those gaps. In doing so, I hope they will focus more on helping each other and having open, and constructive conversations on the game and its features.

P.S. One point that has been missed by alliances. Transition and newer players are scoring more points, you might want to get a few more on your team before they join someone else's.

P.S.S. While I'm here. I've noticed an increase in the number of new characters. While the roster slots hurt, it is nice to look forward to a better chance of getting something I need when I open a token. It'd be nice if I GOT one I needed, but having a better chance is not bad either.
