new game mechanic ideas

MarvelDestiny Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
I have a couple ideas to improve the game:

Computer matching/Training mode
Call it whatever you like but these would be non-ranked, non-progression battles that 'reverse' the current PVP format. Players choose their team and then the computer would spit out a team matching in power lvl. This is a place where players could experiment with different team compositions without the all-consuming worry of retaliation (and maybe actually use our bench warmers) -- who knows, with this kind of freedom we may find a niche for these characters. Plus, it would be fun; no mmr, no scaling, just an all-out slugfest.

Difficulty setting
This number would directly affect mmr, scaling, progression ceiling, and points won or lost without the need for massive recoding into multiple tiers or punishing 'experiments' that twist the game into unplayablility. The player chooses what setting is comfortable for them and simply plays at that lvl. When they are ready to push ahead or want to challenge themselves they raise the setting. Since the setting affects so much of the game it would be easy to abuse, so I recommend limiting adjustments to off season breaks. This would affect Alliances as ppl shift into whatever zone they are comfortable with (hence changing progression ceilings and point totals) but after the dust settles post-implementation it should be a smooth transition as players shift themselves into higher difficulties.

So wadda'ya think? Would love to hear ideas or tweaks on mine.