A quick note regarding PvE

Something occurred to me yesterday that I thought was worth making explicit.

Despite it coming hot on the heels of ISO-8 Brotherhood, I enjoyed Thick as Thieves. This came as a surprise, because it's not that great of an experience--but I realized that it was all down to sub duration and 8-hour refreshes. The 12-hour sub's of ISO-8 were crippling; by comparison there were long stretches of TaT that were refreshing. This is a good pace for PvE. It should be the most common one.

That being said, the rate of return on PvE play is terrible. Fighting into the top 50 (or 10, or 2) of a sub doesn't really require any less effort than finishing that well in PvP. Why doesn't it pay better? It doesn't need covers attached (though it could have them), but more ISO and HP would be nice.