Tip for new players

warcin Posts: 118
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
As a veteran player I have one piece of very important advice for new players. Never bother with 4 star characters. Leveling them will only hurt your experience in the game. First you would think that since they take 3 times the ISO and probably 10-20 times the effort to get the covers than a 3 star character they would be better than the 3 star characters. You would be wrong in all but one case. It used to be 2 but one of those was badly nerfed after a large number of people spent all the time and effort to level her (4Thor). The one remaining one (X-Force) has been hinted strongly at that it is next to be nerfed and D3 never nerfs in small increments but takes a sledge to the character. Second having a 4 star character fully leveled will make you PVP and PVE event experiences much worse. In PVP you will be slotted only against other maxed out 3/4 star rosters making your experience much more tedious. In PVE it will destroy your scaling for the events making it much harder to compete. This is a warning to help you stay in the area that is the most fun and diverse in the game (the 3 star area). From multiple interviews the developers themselves only play at a 2-3 star transition area so do not understand how badly they have mangled the "end game" piece of MPQ and don't seem to care for that matter either.


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd say "level your roster one step at a time" instead.
    Start by leveling your one stars. Then, when you have a good one-star roster, start working on your two-stars. Rinse and repeat for three-and fourstar characters.
    Also, only use HP for roster spots. Is important!
  • I have much better advice - forget about this game, it's not worth it - mindless grinding for pathetic rewards icon_e_sad.gif
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    My advice, and the best possible advice, which I have actually passed out to a couple friends interested in the game:


    Just dont.

    Dont install, dont play. Dont get hooked so you dont get disappointed. You wont be saddened by the unrealized potential the game has (and some of which they actually had.......but threw away) if you dont play.

    Roster slots will prevent you from collecting characters you like, but might not use. Sad.
    Match making will make PVP very tedious without any sense of progression. Sad.
    PVE is a crazy grind you have to schedule your life around to place well enough to get multiple covers. Sad.

    Whats even more sad is that I could go on and on.
  • Per me si va ne la città dolente,
    per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
    per me si va tra la perduta gente.
    Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore:
    fecemi la divina potestate,
    la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
    Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
    se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
    Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate
  • My recommendation for new players is also DO NOT START PLAYING THIS GAME.

    Every time the game geats changed, my Google play store rating of this game gets updated to reflect the horrible way that long time players are treated. Hope fully the title "DONT EVEN BOTHER WITH THIS RIP OFF OF A GAME" title and the subsequent explanation is enough to deter a few of the sheep that D# values more than those of us that have been playing this game for 500+ days.

    Since they don't seem to care about us, maybe our best strategy is to deter the hapless folks that d3 DOES value from ever playing.

    Update your iTunes or Play store review of MPQ now!

  • My advice, the game could be better, but it is still fun provided you don't let yourself take it too seriously

    I myself forget this from time to time, but think its time to try for a green loki and then skip QS all together.