Love ya D3, but...

wirius Posts: 667
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm scratching my head at your lack of emphasising a 4* transition for 3* players. I mean, at this point you have as many 4*'s as when lightning rounds used to give 3* cover tokens!

The game is a carrot on a stick, and the carrot for many 3* rosters is gone. I have enough 3's maxed out, but 4*' obtainment is beyond what most normal people are willing to put up with. At this point, I'm done. I don't care about Kamala, or any of the other 3*'s. I don't want to tread water, I want to swim up. If that's out of the question, then onto other games. If others feel the same way, post. If not, then that's fine. My only wish is for the game to be fun, profitible, and successful.


  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    I agree the direction the 4 star.png are going leaves me wondering what I would do once I'm done maxing out my 3 star.png s. Get more 3 star.png ? 4 stars were under whelming when they came out, but them wolverine got buffed and them 4 Thor came out. It was a glorious beacon that many players strive for, then more 4 stars came out considerably weaker. Sure you can't get them all right but then the train stops. 4 Thor nerfed,3 star.png boosted going backwards now. Your game stopped growing. That growth was the entertaining part of the game since no new events are being generated. It seems that you may have reached your limit with this game. Either too much red tape or problems of a small team, or you own lack of vision. Whatever it is you need to find out where this game is going because it is not where we are suggesting so if it lands in the garbage, so be it.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't entirely possible for a player with a mostly full, maxed 3* roster to reach 1k per PVP? I know I can when I try and I only have five 166s. If you do, that's literally a 4* cover every 2.5 days. It will only make sense to make 4*s any more common than that when 5*s exist. (Remember that 4*s existed around the time you call back to in your post.)
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also agree. Season rewards or time intensive/sensitive shield-hops are the only way to get 4*'s apparently. Season rewards are so slow they can't keep up the three covers with their 4* release rate. Draws from tokens are incredibly rare (haven't seen one in four seasons), and so many 4*'s that the random rare draw won't increase 4* much. But if you get there, even the whales say they don't want to level more than a couple, since they cost so incredibly much in ISO.

    Didn't even run this PVE with Kingpin, why bother? He's just another dead roster spot, to go along with my 3/1/1 Thor, 2/1/1 Elecktra, 2/1/1 Starlord, 2/2/3 Dino, 2/0/1 Fury, 0/0/1 PX....all but one of those covers came from season rewards or initial event rewards, I've used those six characters (read: those six roster spots) exactly zero times since they were essential in their PVE or PVP.

    I've given up getting 4*'s anyway, no reason to buy them since they may just buff lots of 3*'s at random times, or if one 4* gets to strong they'll nerf it back towards 3* level anyway. It's a lot more peaceful to not go for them.

    But if you aren't going for (or don't care about) 4*'s, where is endgame? Great, lots of 3*'s! Except you won't use or level them for a long time either, you'll keep using the first couple you get all the covers for, or the strongest one you get to 166.

    They have to help the 3*->4* transition: more ways to get those covers, more resources to level the 4*, more reason to need/want the 4*.
  • RWTDBurn
    RWTDBurn Posts: 291
    wirius wrote:
    I'm scratching my head at your lack of emphasising a 4* transition for 3* players. I mean, at this point you have as many 4*'s as when lightning rounds used to give 3* cover tokens!

    The game is a carrot on a stick, and the carrot for many 3* rosters is gone. I have enough 3's maxed out, but 4*' obtainment is beyond what most normal people are willing to put up with. At this point, I'm done. I don't care about Kamala, or any of the other 3*'s. I don't want to tread water, I want to swim up. If that's out of the question, then onto other games. If others feel the same way, post. If not, then that's fine. My only wish is for the game to be fun, profitible, and successful.

    If it makes you feel better (I'm guessing it won't), the carrot dangling on the stick for transitioning from 3* to 4* is looking kinda rotten. As very strong 3*s get released (Cage, IF, Cyclops) and 4* characters get nerfed or are created weak to begin with, there isn't that satisfying treat when you get a 4* roster like there was when going from 1* to 2* and 2* to 3*. We are 1 Xforce nerfing away from 4* characters just being a ridiculously overpriced 3* that is more of a status symbol than a level up or a step forward.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    My alliance is more casual so I don't get the 4* covers from, and shield hopping isn't very fun for me, so I mostly rely on token luck and daily rewards for 4*'s (i just got a Kingpin somehow, which is the first time I've ever finished top 50 in a 4* PvE). Yes, it is frustrating not to have any better way to get 4*'s. I'd like to see one available as the last cover of Gauntlets, and I'd like to see a season progression reward for one. And some of the longer PvE's could certainly have one as a progression reward. Maybe that would add 4 or 5 covers per season, which would at least feel like progress.
  • I have seen D3 reply to some threads here since the 7th however they aren't replying to any which are pointing out problems like this. Their customer service and listening skills are going the same way that their ability to hold on to seasoned players is going. . Nowhere
  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    I super-tank in PvP. I join every event, but usually score 0. When there is a first place reward that I like, I play to win and I can usually take first with a score between 5-700. It works well for me.
  • The worst problem here is that 4* are not respected as a real transition
    if you exclude X-Force/Thoress from your team, try to beat Ares/Venom 2* team in a scaled pve, the 2* scale better than any 4* even booosted, and thats the worst joke this game has, collecting trophies that aren't useful at all

    So i wouldnt bother much if they are easy or not to get, and the more we get, the more average they become so its not worth at all even if it were improved
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Pylgrim wrote:
    Isn't entirely possible for a player with a mostly full, maxed 3* roster to reach 1k per PVP? I know I can when I try and I only have five 166s. If you do, that's literally a 4* cover every 2.5 days. It will only make sense to make 4*s any more common than that when 5*s exist. (Remember that 4*s existed around the time you call back to in your post.)

    I really wouldn't mind if they released 5*'s now as the new trophy tier. I do agree it is possible to make 1k with a maxed 3 roster, but the gameplay is very poor. I like playing in chunks at a time, and PvP at the upper end doesn't encourage that. 1-2 fights, shield, come back in 3-8 hours. Wash, rinse repeat. It isn't exciting, limits my play to just a few minutes, and forces me to come back on at very specific times. Bleh. Its time to get some better gameplay to reward 4*'s, and let us focus on something fun. Heck, it could even be some new system like working to buffing 3*'s permanently or something. There just needs to be something more than, "More 3*'s." I'm at the end of the treadmill. I've caught the carrot. Get me another. =P
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thing is, after 4hor nerf, I dont care for new 4* anymore, some are more or less fun/good like ProfX but they are so difficult to get and to max that I don't need them. I have XForce and when he is nerfed too i will play with any 3* that it is still good.

    This is of course a very big problem for the game, because now there is no real progression for the players, you get to 3* territory, you max the best of them, and that's it, the end. But I think D3 doesnt care about this, all their recent changes are just for the 2 or 2->3 people, they just care now about new players.
  • You know when x-force is nerfed, with all the effort it took to get him usable, they will have taken away any real reason for me to play anymore. He is level 230 5/5/2, I bought the last two greens, and the last black. Got the rest from daily or tokens draws. I could buy the last yellow now, and could level him up in a week or so. I just see no reason to do this, since he is almost certainly going on the chopping block. Just yesterday, I finally got hulk to 166, my first fully leveled 3*. It has taken daily play for well over a year to get that.

    The publisher/developers need to realize not everyone playing this game is in an even top 500 or 1000 for that matter. I think they assume everyone in an alliance is reaping lots of extra rewards.

    The frustration increases while the fun is seemly decreasing. It's more like feeding an addiction hoping it'll improve or finding a new vice.
  • i am in a casual alliance with friends and some random people. i can place top 50 pretty easily i am maxing more and more 3* every week, but i haven't got anything in the last few month besides iso8.png rewards from alliance rewards. not even the small imcoin.png rewards i used to see. i agree i think the devs are putting too much worth into alliance rewards like they do into situation powers like radar sense and striking distance. Like the rewards, these skills are useless in most matches for what they are designed to do. i can compete with the top but do i ditch my friends for more rewards? i have said no to this and will continue to because i like to play games with my friends. but throw a guy a bone and make alliance rewards more useful like if all players score a certain amount of points we all get a small award or once a certain amount of alliance point are generated rewards are unlocked that way i can carry the team over as some play this game very casually. i haven't even looked at the alliance awards in a couple months now cause it is irrelevant to me. also make it so we have a chance to share all awards i would love to show my alliance some love by sending them covers of a cardpack.png I pulled or received.