The save file ended up on the wrong Facebook account!

So I have two different cell phones and I play the game on both of them. Each of these phones are logged in on a different Facebook account, but the game has been connected to the same account so I could always pick up another phone and keep playing whenever one of the phones got low on battery. Very useful...until my savegame somehow ended up on my other Facebook account, where I have very few friends and no one is playing MPQ. I can't remember when or how this happened, I just noticed that I suddenly stopped getting gifts from other players.

This last year, I have used several phones and never had any trouble with "transferring" my account to a new phone, but when I tried doing it now, there was no save file at all on my main Facebook account and I had to log into my secondary account just to retrieve my game, and now I'm "stuck" on the wrong account, with no clue of how to move the save file back to the primary account. I thought I could back it up to Google Plus, but no.

What would happen if I start the game, then go into both my Facebook accounts and erase my game from them, will it force the game to ask me for permission again so I can choose the right account? Or will it ultimately destroy all my progress forever?
