Not Sorry Alliance

edited May 2016 in MPQ Alliances
Just starting an alliance thread for 'NOT SORRY'. Alliance members, feel free to contribute as necessary icon_e_smile.gif


  • Stanley71
    Stanley71 Posts: 75 Match Maker
  • Swish
    Swish Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    How many are on the forums?
  • Not sure to be honest. Guessing remik's not on here?

    How's the team going anyway? I noticed Cioper's not there anymore?
  • Swish
    Swish Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Hanging in there. We can't seem to keep a steady stream of good people. Keep having to kick people whose top character is a level 40 with one cover. Had a guy for about 2 days with 12,000+ season score that put us to about 63, but he bailed after two days. Sitting in the 90s Galway through last event. Too many people are below 6,000 for the season, which means they haven't been hitting the minimum and haven't been playing the sim. It's frustrating.
  • How's everyone doing? icon_e_smile.gif
  • jtmarket25
    jtmarket25 Posts: 2
    hey guys... somehow got booted out of the alliance in the midst of the civil war quest.
    probably the 21/20 glitch in alliance numbers acting up. alliance is too full to join now but if you can make room for me asap, will rejoin!