Another idea to fix PVP

I posted this opinion in MMR changes thread but it most likely will get lost in multipage discussion.
So here is my take on perfect PVP.

*Make all characters enter a fight at full health.
*Limit the use of characters by allowing each character to play no more than 5 times in 5 hours (this numbers are out of thin air so tweak them as you see fit)
*Make points score based on opponent level - for example 50 points for beating maxed 4* team, 10 points for maxed 1* - the same for anybody. This wouldn't penalize having more advanced roster. The better your guys are - the tougher teams you can beat - the more points to bank.
*Cap defensive point losses - for example 5 points maximum for defensive loss, 30 points max total in an hour (or whatever you think appropriate)
*No fancy MMR, make it completely random - it's your choice now who to fight and how many points to get for that
*No defensive point losses when your score is under 300 - this will give us low level fodder a chance to crawl our way to the first event token