Farewell and Suggestions

Well, its time for me to go. Yes, it's another farewell post but I've included suggestions to D3 which may help it to keep it here for a short while. Never say never but I just don't see myself playing again, but I do have a lot of HP so seems like a waste to leave it as is but I can't even get myself motivated to go burn it on anything. So flame this post, hate it, love it, whatever, I don't really give a tinykitty!!!

First off, this is an excellent forum and its been great chatting and discussing and debating about this game. Really a best practice which other games should look to emulate, great moderators, great support and help by the community, and the least amount of trolling and flaming I have ever seen on a forum.

Secondly, MPQ game was a whole lot of fun which kept me captivated for nearly a year, but all these changes really dampened it for me. Every player is different but for me I guess the feeling of progression is the most important aspect so once that evaporated, well, the "fun" I had just went with it as well. But such is life, its been fun playing with the alliances and I won't forget it.

Suggestions to D3:

1. Separate events between new players and medium players and high end players. For instance, I am now playing Contest of Champions, they have different events which require three 3*s and another that requires three 4*s...the rewards are different! Dev, just download the game (it's free), see what the competition is doing and emulate it. Not saying they do everything great, but just take the best of what they got and leverage it.

2. Change your event scoring systems. PVE is beyond ridiculous, the come back and refresh every 8 hours is super lame. Once again, separate events between high end players and everyone else, then add another scoring metric that takes into account (Speed of match, cascades, match 5s, number of turns to win, etc.). PVP, same thing, make it a style point win which you only collect if you win. Make it so that the arcade like scoring you accrue in a match is how you get assessed in ranking. Will this become grindy? PVE, no, not if you limit the amount of times someone can run through nodes. So if I have 100 possible matches for PVE, with only the top 90 counting which helps to account for match crashes, disconnects, whatever, but I have to make each one count, or you can even limit it to X amount of matches per day. This will help roster diversity if you try and get the most points out of whatever categories factor into the arcade type scoring. Same with PVP. You have the data, you know how many matches people play, put a reasonable limit on how many matches you can compete in, and see who scores the most arcade type points, again, you only collect if you win.

3. Establish what in the world a 3*, 4* cover is because I don't think many people see any difference any more. Again, playing CoC, the 3* is significantly stronger than a 2*, I don't have a 4* but I facing them in missions, they are beastly. If covers are your rewards, why make them ****? Of course there is a fine line between overpowered and balanced...sometimes, a cover is really only overpowered because they are thrown into a pit to fight against 2* and 3*s, what does everyone expect is going to happen. Separate out the events, if you want high end players to fight each other, great, just give them a better carrot to chase, otherwise, whats the point.

4. New content....oh my, I again reference CoC since it has so much for a new player like me...there are 3 acts so far, each with 4 chapters that each have 6 missions I think. Each mission has like 6-8 battles that give out awesome XP and ISO. That game was released about 4 months ago....and it shows that a 4th Act is coming soon. That's just single player which helps level up my characters and gives me cool stuff to help me progress, I am hooked. There are also tons of versus options and daily events. You haven't done squat with your prologue, there is no replay value in it except to heal somebody up. New content keeps players captivated, I'm a prime example of how you can lose a customer, I took a break since MPQ was going tiny kitty crazy, I found another game, got hooked on it, hence, that occupies the time that would have gone to MPQ. I'm just one player, not a whale by any means but I would say I've spent maybe $300 in a year, most of that came early on...but you lose someone because your game is a bore, I'm sure more feel the same as I do...so new content, new events, try it.

That is all. Again, farewell, its been a fun ride, but that fun is now over for me.

EpicBeastmode is out.....but going beastmode in Contest of Champions!

Forgot to add a shout out to my former alliance Wrecking Crue! keep being casual but awesome and Back of da Van, which was my noob alliance and i left cause they were all leeches LOL, just kidding...kind of!


  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good luck in your future gaming endeavors! Couldn't get into CoC, but FF: Record Keeper is my go-to time killer inbetween MPQ.
  • CoC is pretty cool and I do agree with a lot of the elements they have in that game being brought to this one, I like it but it's definitely a lot harder to progress without spending money compared to this game

    I just managed to get my first 3 star, a BP from the daily free crystal.

    Check out on youtube the final boss fight vs Thanos, it's so ridiculous! icon_lol.gif
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    CoC is so P2W it's not funny.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used to play Contest of Champions for a while. At first it was pretty fun, but then I realized how much I'd need to grind to continue progressing. One grind-heavy Marvel game is quite enough for me, so I deleted it.
    I did enjoy their take on PvP though. You are matched up against other players with a similar roster, but your outcome doesn't effect their score - instead scores are compiled globally after the tournament has ended. The bad thing is that it is impossible to know how well you are doing until the event ends. Also, having to rest up your characters after using them in battle was a little annoying - basically you went through most of your roster every two hours or so if you wanted a chance to place decently.