D3P support canned replies

I'm getting annoyed with D3P support's latest replies. I think they're flooded with requests, because they're using the type of canned replies that do more harm than good.

Here's a funny part of their answer about the "game reports shield is available when it's actually not" bug:

"Until the next fix arrives, which will likely not be released for another few weeks, we ask that you please factor this issue into your playstyle."

ROFLMAO. How can I factor this into my playstyle? Never shield again?


  • konannfriends
    konannfriends Posts: 246 Tile Toppler
    lol i thought it was just me . 2 days ago i open up theb app after i used a 3hour shield and i see i lost 28, points so i go to get more points and it says im still shielded. so how can i lose points if im shielded. so i was about to post a thread about this and then i go back to check one more time and some how the 1 hour of shield i supposedly had left was gone..... i did win 28 poijnts back though( so i just wrote it off and decided to not pursue a complaint.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Isn't it just the 24 Hour Shield that is messed up? If so, just avoid using those. That's what was up last I heard, anyways.

    They can't just put it out there. It has to clear through Marvel, Apple, and Google (plus I'm sure at least a couple other places) before a patch can be released.

    It's a pain in the ****, but you gotta roll with the punches.
  • It's not the bug I'm most annoyed with (I guess I'm immune to the "fix a bug over three patches" code discipline of Demiurge) but the support's approach. They don't even look at the screenshot I provide and send template answers like "please tell us the event during which the bug occurred, which shield was affected and a relevant screenshot" when the screenshot I provided was relevant, included the shield and event information...
    Maybe D3P's support is just a basic autoreply mail demon? icon_e_smile.gif))
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Isn't it just the 24 Hour Shield that is messed up? If so, just avoid using those. That's what was up last I heard, anyways.

    I've had the 8 hour shield not work too. I don't know if it was the same bug, or another.

    To me, its more that shield cooldowns have caused more problems then they solved. High scores are still high, out of game communication is the most efficient way to get those scores, and sniping has become a more viable tactic for mega alliances. I've always accepted those as part of the game, but now that the system can falsely fail to sell me a shield, it magnifies the problems.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I use a timer app to track my shield cooldowns. After being hit with two different bugs three times, once after it was fixed and broke again, I don't trust the game to no be completely off.
  • I use a timer app to track my shield cooldowns. After being hit with two different bugs three times, once after it was fixed and broke again, I don't trust the game to no be completely off.

    For sure. Besides, the timer will enable you to know when you can have a life.

    So convenient.