Ares bug?

Hi there, I created an account to come report this. In the Kamala PvP event I was up against a team of the 70 free Ms. Marvel, 94 Ares, 94 Widow.

Dropped Widow quick (as you do) and started working on Ares.

I got hit with his green attack 3 rounds in a row but that team did not pick up any green after the ability. Widow was dead at this point, so none were stolen from me. Their assist had already been played (I think it was Thor's green but I don't remember) so they didn't get AP from that.

My account name is the same as my forum name if you want to look at my match history. I'm afraid I did not catch the account name I was playing against.

Please let me know if I can help in any way.


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you happen to remember how much damage you took (if any) from the repeated uses of Onslaught? There seems to be a bug cropping up on rare(?) occasions where the AI will use a move normally and then keep repeating it on subsequent turns despite not having the necessary AP, and seeing how that glitch works with Ares' green (which changes depending on how much AP the user has) could give some insight into how it's working.
  • It was doing the minimum, I think, like 1500.