Covers and the "selling" of them?

I have an idea for selling covers in an alternate way and the byproduct of which could help the reward system.

There needs to be an "earn only" currency in the game, be it points similar to Deadpool points, certain unused ranking points or a new point system entirely. Points can earned as slowly as required but should be collected in quantity as event rewards or by individual victories at a base rate per event type (PvP,PvE,Simulator ...) so they can be boosted when you want to promote an event type and at a fixed rate for individual victories. At any rate, the point is players will be given an option to selectively earn needed or desired covers.

There are any number filters that can be applied so that it cannot be exploited by but still be used by whales or fish alike ... Points+(X covers of equal or lesser strength, ever increasing cost like roster slots, days played requirements, an otherwise max leveled character matching the cover you desire, X purchases per week/month, rotating selection, cover must be aged to a degree....) I could continue forever here but the point has been made, again. Hopefully this time I have shined a new light on it

You will find very few players who honestly believe the reward system requires no less than a near complete and long overdue overhaul. Implementation of this idea or one similar will allow the flood of new characters that the game needs, and you seem overly inclined to deliver, while allowing players the avenue to collect them in a more timely/direct fashion.

Also, have you given any thought to creating a second or third permanent HEROIC cp? The single heroic cp has become so diluted that it borders on useless as well as underachieving.


  • I've never had a problem with the reward structure in this game. I think it comes from playing War of Heroes for a couple of years before I started playing, so its possible my expectations are very low. Woh makes this game look generous in the way covers are handed out.