Best reasons to uninstall.

My other topic naming my best reason's to keep the game installed went well. Learned a few things, wasn't very popular, low replies, lol. I'll start why you would want to uninstall. Name some if you got them too. Too much competition, and you can't do direct games with another player, it's just grindy. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone wanting less grind in their games. Facing A.I and not working in any co-op missions against them is boring. Some game's have horde mode, they are really successful with friends. This game tried that with survival, but in comparison it's not like other game's that had success with it. Missing the co-op to make it better. Lastly I'll mention bugs and all the technical stuff that always gets pushed out. This may be a bigger thing for other players, but my previous reason's stand out to me more.


  • No point in progressing...they have effectively killed that by devaluing their top rewards and now normalizing actual gameplay so everyone gravitates towards a mediocre norm.

    Not have become grindfests...used to be limited to pve now it's pvp and since they offer no other content besides the prologue which was finished over 11 months ago...

    Other alternatives with the marvel brand...there is so much non-competition based content on contest of champions I'm shocked. Mighty heroes is brand new but enjoyable so far. None of these two feel like work. If I feel like I'm working I want to get paid for it. Devalued digital covers just don't do it anymore.
  • no easy way to get heroes you love. should make some alliance based co-op mode. roster slots prices, so once you finally get them they disappear if you don't have any imcoin.png. Scaling too crazy should be only based on your current team with easy medium hard nodes hitting your average team level with a multiplier .75, 1.0, 1.25 to make their average team level stronger team is more points. lack of new content. lack of background stories. 4* nerfs
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    If it's not fun, don't play it.

    Do something with your time so that you'll value it more highly than squandering it on this game.

    I enjoy it greatly though, so I'm good letting it suck hours of my life away.
  • jackstar0 wrote:
    If it's not fun, don't play it.

    Do something with your time so that you'll value it more highly than squandering it on this game.

    I enjoy it greatly though, so I'm good letting it suck hours of my life away.

    I don't play often I should's become number three in priority of play behind contest of champs, mighty heroes then I only even open it up to get free daily stuff if 1) the other two games energy is out, 2) I have the free time to play it, mostly on the ****. I don't play this for any rewards or anything anymore. I hang around here to see if they do anything with the game besides screw it up some more...but yeah, I'm sure I'll slowly drift away from here too.
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Because I want to go back to my life?

    This game was fun, like, really fun. It was the first and only mobile game that got me so sucked into it, and I could have spent more time on it now than on FF or PES. I spent long toilet breaks at work grinding Jugg nodes, which I really shouldn't. I used to wake up in the dead of night so as not to miss the darned 2.5hr refreshes, which I really shouldn't. I try to arrange my life around PVE refresh/PVP shield cooldown times, instead of the other way round. I let it compete for my time and attention which I really should be spending on my baby girl more. I guess any of the above reasons is good enough to uninstall it, but it was so fun to put down. It was.

    Already reached the verge of burnout several times, especially since 4* started being PVE prizes. Now the interest is waning with every 4* grind, with every 2* token pull, with every (what I try to believe as) well intentioned tweak to improve the game that ends up anything but. The fun is still there, but the frustration is catching up fast.
  • If I had to choose only 1 reason then that would be "Because it feels like a second job".

    Compared to other f2p games, you can progress in MPQ without spending a single $ and you get full access to the content, assuming you spend many, many hours. So why all the negativity about the pricing model and the game in general? It's not like all heroes are essential and you are somehow lagging behind if you don't have Beast or Dr. Octopus. I think it is because the game has many common things with a second job. A low salary second job. It requires that you do something at a specific time, for a given duration, and the satisfaction you get from doing it is minimal. And while a job pays the bills, MPQ leave you exhausted with nothing to show for the time you have spent. Even drug addicts have more free time than MPQ players who have to play every few hours.

    So why isn't MPQ uninstalled yet you will ask. Mostly because I came from a 7-8 months break and I am not burned out yet, but I am getting there quite fast. Missing several covers also means token drops are more rewarding than they would be if I had nearly everyone maxed. Although my 1/41 record in MPQ shows my luck sucks these days. Additionally, in the past 2 months I was mostly playing in the last 1-2 hours of an event and, usually, I was able to place top 5-50, so I haven't spent much time anyway. However, the multiple buffed 3* in pvps which they introduced the past week made this strategy impossible and if they use it again in every future pvp, I doubt I will stay active for long. After all, PC users already got some great games in 2015 that will keep them distracted and will get even more. Pillars of Eternity, Elite: Dangerous, Ori and the Blind Forest, Homeworld: Remastered, Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin, The Witcher 3, Magicka 2, Batman: Arkham Knight are only some of them.