Oh boy - has anyone encountered this **** yet?

Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
So I'm just going along, battling random guys and I encounter


They collect 8 Purple AP (amongst other random colors). The following turn, OBW casts Recon. Okay, normal.
Next turn? With 0 Purple AP, she casts Recon again.
Next turn? 3 Purple AP, Recon.

For the rest of the fight she cast Recon every turn and I couldn't down her through the sea of Health she created and my inability to fire a skill. Has anyone encountered this ****? I thought after 3 consecutive casts I must've been missing something (like a huge cascade I missed with a stockpile of purple or something), but no. I checked her AP every turn after that, and there's no way she could've met the casting requirements.


  • d0nk3y
    d0nk3y Posts: 213
    Never to that extent, but yeah, I've run into opponents that have fired off skills I know they didn't have the AP for. Last one I remember was also OBW's Aggressive Recon, but I know I've seen Rampage come off of Ares when they only had like 6 red. Not too bad, since I was running Patch / LDaken / icon_e_ugeek.gif, but still...
  • Oh, I just posted that Ares used his green on me 3 rounds in a row. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • I went against a hood and two maggia. They generate 3 yellow per turn and hood made a match 3 yellow on first turn. That's only 9 yellow but he still somehow fired off twin pistols on me on the second turn. ****!! Then he fired it again 2 turns later. That shouldn't be possible.
  • Alucard_I_Am
    Alucard_I_Am Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    gnocd wrote:
    I went against a hood and two maggia. They generate 3 yellow per turn and hood made a match 3 yellow on first turn. That's only 9 yellow but he still somehow fired off twin pistols on me on the second turn. ****!! Then he fired it again 2 turns later. That shouldn't be possible.

    Because the beginning of the 2nd turn the maggia generate another 6 on top of the 9 they had from the first turn which gives hood his 15 ap. They really need to change the boost back to 3+ at least for pve because of this. Between having Hood at level 300+ and putting him with a goon the nodes become impossible to beat with any teams. Really fustrating.
  • morph3us
    morph3us Posts: 859 Critical Contributor
    I had the same issue in today's DDQ (vs OBW, 2* Thor, Bullseye). OBW was firing Aggressive Recon off every single turn. I was careful to check her purple AP, and she set it off with 7 purple AP one turn, 5 purple the next, and 1 purple AP the following turn. Luckily the level difference was such that I downed her the turn after that, but it was all a bit ugh.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh look; this thread again!

    I remember from the last three times.
    The devs are adamant that the AI does not cheat on AP costs and that this behavior, when encountered, is a bug.
    They'd also like documented video evidence, because they believe it does not exist and people are simply miscounting.

    Ofcourse, the semi-random nature of occurence means nobody will be recording their screens at the time it happens, which works out nicely for keeping this litle gem of a health-drainer in the game unprotested.

    Usually this bug surfaces as a sneaky, sneaky off-by-one though, and nothing as blatantly obvious as casting a skill 'for free' completely. So perhaps this is not a 'feature' after all.

    Sofar, I've personally seen it happen with:
    • Ares' Rampage;
    • Ares' Onslaught;
    • Mystique's Masterstroke; and
    • OBW's Aggressive Recon

    Possibly there are others left undiscovered.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I had LThor call the storm on me 3 turns in yesterday in PvP when he only had around 6 green AP. It happens.