For a great period of time, I've considered myself...

Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Something of a champion or defender for the developers.

With the new MMR change coming over a holiday weekend (as well as other unsavory changes), I think I have to just give up. At this phase, they've virtually proven themselves to be either malicious or willfully ignorant of many things.

Neither of which is good or healthy for the game or its player-base.

Communication improvements need to be made and a great deal of fore-planning and testing need to be done in the future, or you're going to dry out even your most loyal customers.


  • orionpeace
    orionpeace Posts: 344 Mover and Shaker
    Welcome to the Dark Side.

    We have cookies. And pitchforks.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Something, something "Dark Side" ...Something something "complete"
  • Im sorry they got you so down, but i think it is for the best because i almost started hating Akuma because of your posts. icon_lol.gif
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    Im sorry they got you so down, but i think it is for the best because i almost started hating Akuma because of your posts. icon_lol.gif

    I try to assuage negative posts and feelings when I'm able until the devs have an opportunity to explain themselves and their thought process when things like this happen, or I used to. At this point, I feel like it's become a bit too much to continue to try to fight the fire when I feel like striking a match myself.
  • Love your Akuma sig pic. Sad to see devoted players feel like this though. Awwww my timing with getting addicted to games like this are so bad. Well, at least you have had a wealth of experience in this game I wish I had. <sigh>
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am glad that you hav looked at D3 side of things as I fel players have a tendency to over react on a lot of the changes. The Devs ha been trying to tweek the MMR for months and hav continued to fail in what they are doing. I do honk they took more time in trying to make this work than people are giving them credit for, and I think on a wide scale it is something they cannot run well through their play testing. MMR is something they have to go live with and hope it works. D3 should have run it as a weekday event and I would be fine with it in season as more players are more committed in season and the scores go higher. Even though this event is all maxed teams all the time I am currently top 5 with 750 points with 23 hours left. I am going to try and hit 1000 points for full progression. I would also say it is not that it is a Holliday weekend it is the fact that it is a weekend. I am sure the devs will check the forums from home and see the feedback. They will then adjust the MMR next week. Does it suck right now? Yes. Is it as bad as when they ran the last test, I would say no.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still don't know why they don't throw everyone into the same pool.

    They keep two separate pools in PVE so newbies have their own space and aren't scared off. The scaling of PVE makes really developed rosters have a hard time (or worse than that).

    Now PVP is terrible for developed rosters - so both places are bad for developed rosters. I keep reading transitioners say it is great for them, newbies often don't post much here. So at least one - and likely two - places good for newbies.

    Why not just make one good for one, and one for the other? Throw everyone together in the PVP pool. So 1*'s can't ever get beyond 300: that's about where they should end up. So 2*'s can't get beyond 600: that's about where they should end up.

    Lots of ways for little tweaks. Take top 5 characters average level, if under 94 don't have them visible to all until they hit 250. If under 166, until they hit 500. If under 270, until they hit 750. That way you are paired up against a similar roster for the very end, but (possibly) have a way to get up in the rankings.