this game is seriously getting on my nerves

I don't know if it is the recent patches or what.... I Keep getting overkilled!!! I regret spending a dime on this game seriously.... what is up with the 'lucky' cascading of the enemy team? The last match was me with storm 2star, magneto 2star, and ironman 3star against dr doom 3 star, ironman 3star and thor 2star. I had blue and purple boost, +1 all ap boost and 100% boost damage buffs. I was destroyed in less than 10 seconds!! And this is basically every single match. Things like this that make loyal player move on to other games.


  • the AI did what it had to do you were going to get a standard token that would of netted you a 3* from that win. it couldn't let that happen. it is like those token pulls that take forever AI: dang that guy pulled a 3*/4* quick swap it out with a 2*. quick before they notice.
    anyways tough luck buddy.
  • I get way more cascades in my favour, but I only seem to remember the ones against me.