Just get rid of PVE & PVP

Joey Jellico
Joey Jellico Posts: 103
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
When I had a few maxed 2* toons I would grind the piss out of pve to finish top 50 or better and get to 300 in pvp for my 250 iso.

That got really boring all of a sudden and when I had a few maxed 3* toons and I decided to hit pvp. I would get to 700-800 only shielding at the end to help my alliance. It was a challenge and about how it probably should have been. Then i read about the upcoming changes, "Sweet another token at 650 (which I always meet) and maybe even a 3* cover at 800". I was pretty stoked. BUT now meeting 270's before I can even get to 300 pts (250 iso) and I don't want to play this mode either.

You (devs) clearly have no idea what in the flying **** you are doing.

We'll all just play our DPDQ and collect our nice 3 star covers, at least until you try to "improve" it and introduce competitive DPDQ or some or other stupid ****. Happy Easter btw


  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    Yep, about right on the nail.
  • Bang on mate. I hit them before 300 too. End of pvp for me, so I go pve. ... and their all maxed out there too. Fun
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    I never realized how easy it was to turn something I love into something I can't stand. And I've been divorced.
  • you guys are lucky(sarcastic). I hit the 270 wall right after the seed teams
  • simonsez wrote:
    I never realized how easy it was to turn something I love into something I can't stand. And I've been divorced.
    At least with my marriage I knew what I was getting. My MPQ marriage makes me feel like I'm married to Bruce Jenner with all the nonstop changes.
  • SodaPopinski
    SodaPopinski Posts: 59 Match Maker
    nayrys79 wrote:
    you guys are lucky(sarcastic). I hit the 270 wall right after the seed teams

    My first node after the seed team was max XF/max Hood / max IM40. icon_e_surprised.gif it leveled out a little after that, but it definitely caught me off guard.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    At least you all GOT Seed Teams.....