
Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored of this game. I have not progressed any characters past 94 however my opponents PVE and PVP are 99% of the time 130+. How is this meant to be enjoyable? It seems that this game has fallen to the curb like every other mobile game, the developers have forgotten about earning money by making the game enjoyable, which I would gladly pay for, and concentrated on making it ridiculously hard unless you pay for it.

I love this game and have been playing it for a few months now, and yes I have paid for stuff in the beginning. But now I'm just bored, I get in a fight, no doubt Daken and Venom and Ares.... and boom, 5 moves into it I'm smashed with every power move they have and I'm dead. Irrelevant of who I have used, thus resulting in me losing all my health packs. This hasn't always been the case, I've enjoyed DDQ however that seems to be going that way now with ninjas and mobs smashing me left right and centre only to jump into level 135 Hulk?!?! with all the AP they have gained!?!?!

Devs concentrate on making the game fun! we didn't all join on day one and have ultra maxed 3-4* teams that can cope with this. Anyway, ive had a moan, thanks for reading it.


  • I dread starting it up each day. Just playing out of habit at this point.
  • Vinmarc43
    Vinmarc43 Posts: 266
    Same here, always play to get rid of it, I don't know why I still play after 484 days, 4000+ hrs, I must be sick in the head or something and both you guys are right. sadly. icon_cry.gificon_e_confused.gif
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    So what you are saying is that you have purposefully **** your roster by not levelling up your characters as much as you could and now are blaming the devs because you keep losing?
  • No. I haven't had enough iso to go any further, I only have 2* characters and I've got who I can to level 94. Hence why I can't progress any further when I'm fighting people 40 levels above me.

    It just screams pay to play now.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    There's only 2 things that annoys me about PvE;

    1) 20 iso8.png rewards after the 1st playthrough
    2) Level scaling, there really should be a cap

    Basically for the tough battles that you manage to scrape through, it's disheartening to not receive something substantial for your efforts. Honestly though, the only event that I actually have fun in is DDQ. The rest PvE & PvP has lost it's spark to me (especially PvE hasn't really added new storyline/missions - so tired of the same team composition).
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marty17 wrote:
    There's only 2 things that annoys me about PvE;

    1) 20 iso8.png rewards after the 1st playthrough
    2) Level scaling, there really should be a cap

    Basically for the tough battles that you manage to scrape through, it's disheartening to not receive something substantial for your efforts. Honestly though, the only event that I actually have fun in is DDQ. The rest PvE & PvP has lost it's spark to me (especially PvE hasn't really added new storyline/missions - so tired of the same team composition).
    There is a cap - level 395. Not that it matters, though.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Marty17 wrote:
    There's only 2 things that annoys me about PvE;

    1) 20 iso8.png rewards after the 1st playthrough
    2) Level scaling, there really should be a cap

    Basically for the tough battles that you manage to scrape through, it's disheartening to not receive something substantial for your efforts. Honestly though, the only event that I actually have fun in is DDQ. The rest PvE & PvP has lost it's spark to me (especially PvE hasn't really added new storyline/missions - so tired of the same team composition).
    There is a cap - level 395. Not that it matters, though.

    I don't even qualify that as a cap, lol!

    I reckon it should be like Balance of Power, where 270 is the max it can go.
  • 10-15 levels above yours is enough of a challenge
  • I guess I was in the same position a couple of months ago, so decided to look at a specific character team, and worked to max that. I took any Blade and Cap 3* covers I could get, bought a few, and it made a real difference. Even before DDQ, those two with 2*black widow made progression possible. Now I have a few more coming through and a half decent xforce
    Now they are maxed, i can get the occasional top 100 and hit a lot of the pve teams (especially the mobs). I still enjoy it, though there are plenty of frustrations (cascades, not starting with any colours I need etc in a fight), but it's still fun.
    Try to make the transition, and you will see what is possible.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sir Daktor wrote:
    Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored of this game. I have not progressed any characters past 94 however my opponents PVE and PVP are 99% of the time 130+. I get in a fight, no doubt Daken and Venom and Ares.... and boom, 5 moves into it I'm smashed with every power move they have and I'm dead.
    Well, if you spend another 1,000 hours or so with game, achieve some top 2s in PvE and top 5s in PvP, build up a good roster of some 4*s and some 3*s, then you can get killed by level 300+ Ares instead.

    Just think of me as you-from-the-future telling you, "Turn back now, before it's too late!"
  • Arctic_One
    Arctic_One Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    As far as PVE goes, my contention has been that the AI should total up your three characters, add 10% and divide that between the three opponents. Second run through should add 15% then 20% on 3rd run through. This makes each run through of nodes a bit harder each time and also creates fairness between ppl who grind and ppl who wait for refreshes. And yes, grinders SHOULD be rewarded for their greater efforts.

    PVP is a whole different thing, after reading about it and playing it for a year I know one thing, the nature of it makes it unfair to someone no matter what the rule change is. That's why it is made for the whales and anyone else that plays it is a fool to think they can win fairly. If I build a strong team why do you think you have the right to say it is unfair? Go out and build your own strong team.

    I do not yet have a strong enough team to compete at a top level in PVP events. I am going out and earning my way up to that so that when I do achieve my goal, I can say that it was not handed to me like charity.

    You do no need to pay to play this game. It is however a longer road to be free to play, and much more rewarding.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Arctic_One wrote:
    As far as PVE goes, my contention has been that the AI should total up your three characters, add 10% and divide that between the three opponents. Second run through should add 15% then 20% on 3rd run through. This makes each run through of nodes a bit harder each time and also creates fairness between ppl who grind and ppl who wait for refreshes. And yes, grinders SHOULD be rewarded for their greater efforts.

    PVP is a whole different thing, after reading about it and playing it for a year I know one thing, the nature of it makes it unfair to someone no matter what the rule change is. That's why it is made for the whales and anyone else that plays it is a fool to think they can win fairly. If I build a strong team why do you think you have the right to say it is unfair? Go out and build your own strong team.

    I do not yet have a strong enough team to compete at a top level in PVP events. I am going out and earning my way up to that so that when I do achieve my goal, I can say that it was not handed to me like charity.

    You do no need to pay to play this game. It is however a longer road to be free to play, and much more rewarding.
    I have a strong team in PVP.
    My reward is to face all other people with strong teams right after the seeds.

    Don't get your hopes up.
  • Sad thing is, all the changes they make are either to make it harder or to encourage us to pay more. If the game is good, and worth it, ill pay a lot more. Making it harder just makes me go elsewhere.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sir Daktor wrote:
    Sad thing is, all the changes they make are either to make it harder or to encourage us to pay more. If the game is good, and worth it, ill pay a lot more. Making it harder just makes me go elsewhere.

    It seems like they are really desperate for money. Your options are: pay $$ and shield hop all the way, or pay $$ for lots of health packs (you are going to need them) to try to grind longer at the end. Or both.
  • i saw a post in the suggestion and feed back section about a health boost after a win that would help you climb in PVP. which seams like a good idea maybe the same amount you lose when you retreat. but why not fully heal after fight what is the point of keeping a team mate alive at low health when you can have them take a hit from an ability that will knock them out (exceptions patch and dakken)and prevent damage to an ally. either way it will cost you a health pack if you want to use them again in the next fight. i thought health packs would be only if they got knocked out. Sorry a little off track