More cascade nonsense

I am all for interesting changes to the system, and I enjoy reading people's technical knowledge os the aspects of this game.
However, it all seems a bit pointless whn a 94/94/94 enemy team can beat a 166/166/166 team just by cascades.

Losing like this seems weird. My maxed 3* team did not get any double cascades (when one match leads to a second match by chance), and not one of my heroes got to use a special move. And they all got beaten. All I saw were 4 and 5 colour matches in a row, critical hits, multiple special moves one after another, and my team dying without being able to fight back.

Having loads of know-how is useless when you can't make a red or a black match in a whole game.

Meh. Rant over.


  • Nope, I need a second rant. Just failed at the FIRST level of the main multi-sequence DDQ. Not a single special move, and the ninja mods killed both max Cap and max Blade before I got to fill a single colour. That has to be the worst. And having no spare health, I can't even have another go for at least an hour. Good grief!!
  • I feel your pain mate! I was going to moan about this but that seems to be all I do in this forum so I decided against it!
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    The longer the match goes on the more likely you will see a massive cascade happen. This is why in tough matches you're much more likely to see one than in a trivial match. I am yet to win a difficult match in this manner though, I guess I am just "unlucky" icon_rolleyes.gif
  • This was very funny, I laughed reading the entire post. icon_lol.gif

    All I can think about was this morning when I tried getting through the first set of ninjas (DDQ) the same thing happened to me. I feel your frustration and I'm sorry but it made laugh to have someone experience the same thing I went through.
  • i run a patch BP team for DDQ those ninjas are a pain if i can't clear those attack tiles, lethal when berserker raging as well.
  • I nearly threw my phone last night because of the ridiculous cascades the computer was getting in balance of power last night. It happens far too often to be coincidence. Games should be fun. Not unfair and annoying as hell.
  • Honestly, things like this happen to everyone and it is a part of the game, especially on those days where you feel the game is against you all time, but it is how you handle those situation that determines the outcome for the match and how you, as a player, can become better and reach the next level. Focusing on the enemies roster for one helps you plan your offensive team, and since I don't know what your current roster is, I can't help you much there, but 3*'s aren't always the best pick for every battle. Use characters that heavily influence the board if you find yourself being cascaded upon constantly, such as loki, thor, storm, and among others to change the tide of the battle and turn board control over to yourself, possibly even setting up match-fours or even match-fives while you're at it. Just remember to strategize your plan from the beginning, adapt your plan on the go when needed to, and stay level headed throughout every situation. Most importantly, don't let situations like these get the best of you, because they will continue to happen, so focus instead on having fun while still being competitive. Happy matching icon_e_smile.gif
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had a crazy one a couple nights ago, it started with just a match 3 and cascaded into at least 50 total ap. I just had to laugh at the time. The only thing that pissed me off was that I didn't think to take a screen shot when it flashed the computer's total haul for the move. I really wanted to show off my losers "trophy".
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Even the most ridiculous cascades are supposedly fair because there is an equal chance of it happening to the player as the AI. That's about the only positive thing I can think of for them. I personally do not like unforeseeable cascades. Cascades that result from existing tiles on the board shifting positions are good. You can plan around them and sometimes set up some satisfying chains. Cascades that are purely the result of new tiles falling from the top are just dumb luck and detract from the strategic and puzzle aspects of the game.

    What if when tiles are matched, the game would only drop new tiles that do not automatically match their neighbours? This would apply equally to players and the AI, so it should be just as fair as the current system. Tiles dropped in as a result of powers (like X-Force and Power of Attorney) would be exempt from this. Is there a down side that I am not seeing? Seems like it would reduce a lot of frustration.
  • Glad this was entertaining, and that people can empathise. It wasn't about team set-up though, as when my health was back, I re-ran the DDQ sequence with the same team and won fine, with all three characters alive and ok at the end (OBW boom!).
    So the annihilation of the first run was just random, which is ok, and doesn't mean a lot, but it was just sooooo awful to watch, passively, teeth grinding away. I tried not to swear. Honest I did.
  • And....guess what?

    First time playing the pve this morning, take out the easy levels, get to the first ms marvel needed level, and get creamed by 115/115/115 while bringing in a max 166/166. No soecial moves, no colour matches. All I'm offered is blue tiles, and guess what? No blue needed.
    Cascade after cascade after cascade, team dies.


    How many times has this happened since the 'upgrade'? This is getting past the point of random, and is now happening every time I log on, which won't be for long at this rate.
  • Right, I'm just testing now. An entire game in pve against the same mobs as before, and no reds available AT ALL for my max Cap. He sat the entire match without being able to use a soecial move. No red, yellow or blue match. All I got given were purples, and with xforce alongside, not useful. So I match purples, and the mobs get cascades of new greens and reds, none being available to me.

    There is a significant difference between this weekend and the week before the update. Soething has definitiely been done to the ai here.

    devs, I want some reassurance yiu have not tinkered, because this new gameplay is terrible.
  • yep, you really have wrecked this. Tried another three games, against the same opponents in pve, and with same results.

    I am using 166/166 and Kamala, to bring down 115 levels characters, having to grind the scores on regular colour matches, with hardly any special moves, so my kamala is useless (rarely heals, as only works with special moves).

    Is that what this is about? Since her introduction, I hardly get special moves anymore.

    And the final straw? Thor uses his yellow ability (finally!), and there are NO green matches as a result. I match a purple (sigh), the the computer gets a huge green cascade, leaving the computer Ares to kill my (max) Blade easily.

    Is that reasonable? Time after time? Grrrrrrr. I am going away from this game now.
  • Frank NewCastle
    Frank NewCastle Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    If it's any help I've got a winning formula on DDQ, so long as you have a fairly powerful Falcon.

    Purples seem easy to come by, so get a load, do his bird strike once or twice then take every chance you can to match yellow (Inspiration) which powers up the protect tiles. If you play Hood with strong twin pistols, all the better. This way I end up getting to the final wave with minimal damage.

    You will likely have been able to rack up c.30 AP of each colour by wave 4, allowing you to unleash extreme violence over a couple of turns with total impunity. Last time I played I ended with 3k+ of shield protection, even the heaviest hitters struggle to do much damage between Twin Pistols/LCap red shield.
  • Frank NewCastle
    Frank NewCastle Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Same again today, although wave 4 of IW, GSBW and Blade have lower HP than some, so W4 was a single-turner. Often manage Red Shield x 3, blue shield to stun one and then Intimidation to bring them down before the enemy snaps out of it, with Twin pistols to take out the straggler.

    I went through yesterday with almost zero damage, took a couple of hits on LCap early this time but once the protect tiles kick in that's pretty much goodnight.