Time for a Nick Fury re-balance

GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Put down your pitchforks. It's not that kind of thread.

With Professor X and Kingpin now in the mix, it's a little easier to figure out the formula for how the 4*s scale with their level. I explained this with the 3* characters (link here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23718), so time to explain the 4* also.

Spoilers/sneak previews have made this less necessary to know, but to go from base damage to max level damage on a 4* character, simply multiply by 1.985. The true number has many more decimals, but that will get you close enough.

So that said, there are two characters that are out of whack, Nick Fury and Invisible Woman. The latter doesn't need discussion right now (just ask turul). The former however is unlikely to change, but he should.

His current numbers:

Avengers: Base 1370/685, Max 2720/1360. Multiplier: 1.985
Demolition: Base 348/174. Max 1505/752. Multiplier: 4.32
Escape Plan: Base 210, 882 at level 3. Max 771 (estimated), 3809. Multiplier 4.32. His strikes tiles hold the same amplification.

In neither case would I argue for a balance change of his max number. What should be changed is his base stats below them. Strangely, the yellow is already fine.

Using the 1.985 number, at base level:
Demolition should be 758/379.
Escape Plan should be (at level 3): 1631, with strike tile 272 (set at level 2)

Those (should be simple but probably aren't) changes should make Fury much more popular for players that don't have him max covered/transition players. For instance, a 3/3/3, level 150 build would do approximately 4225 for full Demolition (current approximately 3243), and ~2274 + 379 strike tile for Escape plan (~2052+341 strike current).

Then at least everyone is playing on the same scale. Then we can worry about where that scale is set.