Boost change is just to make more $

vernr1 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
This whole AP-boost thing seems to be more of a way to make more $$ than any 'balance' issue. They reduced the bonus possible from 6 to 4.. how much Balance does that really change? If they wanted to balance they would remove it, but if they remove it people won't be spending hero points (and iso) to get the boosts, and ultimately dollars as the bottom line. So this change? Let's try and get players to pay more money for what they already had in game, sort of like a bait n switch. BOO!

I am becoming less and less 'excited' about playing MPQ, and wouldn't be surprised if I put it down after this latest round of changes (havent played with them much as of yet)... after all, whats next? Also pretty pissed off about the 20$ I blew on the game a couple days ago.. If I had known this was coming... sigh...


  • So, they are making a cash grab by forcing us to use and therefore purchase fewer boosts? I don't quite follow that logic.
  • too many changes at once. would of like them to wait to test new PVP before lowering boost
  • The devs really need to begin respecting the players' opinions about the changes they're making, especially those of us who keep siphoning money into the game...because, you know, we are the ones paying their salaries.