BACK to BACK (heart attack)

I am happy to see the PVE alliance tier update for 4*'s. This shows that the devs hear the playerbase. And excuse my bluntness, but this is obviously selective hearing-

If Deadpool Daily is your answer to HP and ISO shortage than what is the answer for the release of back to back characters?

I said in one of my latest posts that I do not feel comfortable spending any more money on this game when D3 waves it nerf-stick around like some sort of bizarro magic wand. But that coversation has been beaten like a dead horse...

I just will not buy anymore HP for roster slots. I will sell first Rags, Psylocke, Doc Ock, the list goes on.

And I will try to earn the Kingpin covers, but here's my fear- D3 will continue releasing 4*'s most likely once a month (atleast) and players like myself that are free-to-play (as of now for myself, anyways) will have to make the decision if they sell off a decently covered low tier 3 star or throw away a couple 4 star covers from the new release because they don't think $5 to $10 is worth another slot for a character they may never use or not gain covers fast enough to make them viable.

For those of you playing this game that are hardcore collectors, I get it. I really do. But I feel like at this point, all D3 is doing is exploiting your compulsion for collecting and banking on you spending cash to keep these characters.

AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT, these characters aren't even ours! These aren't magic cards or comic books that we own that have the potential to gain value. We will never see a return on the $5, $10, $20 we spend to have Mr. Fisk and Prof X sit in on our digital roster on our digital game not owned by the player base.
steps off the angry apple cart

But yea, great game. Just please, for the love of Jeebus, fix the roster slot/HP issue if you're going to continue the back-to-back new character releases.


  • Esheris
    Esheris Posts: 216 Tile Toppler
    I really hope the Deadpool daily is not the answer to the roster slot problem. I have done DPD almost every day and have yet to see an HP reward from it.

    For the roster issue I would like to see the slots cap out at a max of 500HP, preferably a lot lot lower, but I know that free to play games like to make money somewhere.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Their CEO mentioned this was a huge problem months ago, and they have done nothing about it.

    Yes, I consider DPD "nothing". Maybe, maybe it helps people get enough to cover the difference between the 750 HP per slot that each one cost two months ago, to the 850 per slot that you have to pay today.

    I've been campaigning for months for a fix to this, and still nothing. Once the slots hit 800hp each, I found myself unable to do it anymore. And since then, out went fully leveled Yelena, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Storm...then into 2*'s Bullseye,2* Magneto, (not fully leveled bagman)....I'm already thinking of which ones can go next. They've broken my "collector" habit - but why?

    The bigger problem at this point is certainly the release speed. Pretty soon it will be goodbye more fully leveled 2*'s: Moonstone, Cap, Tiny Torch, Marvel, that gets me through April I hope. icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif

    This should have been addressed six months ago, and is still the biggest problem in the game. If they want tons of character releases fast, they need to scale EVERYTHING with them. Good start today by upping token drops! Now, increase HP and ISO % with each character released - and decrease slot prices!