Rarity and Balance

It seems as though each update has, at least as a minor goal, the intent to slow down the game a bit. Generally speaking, I'm OK with this, though it certainly makes PvP and PvE scoring races easier picking for those with larger wallets. From a game design standpoint, though, slower and more tactical matches are a decent ideal.

That said, I think one thing that really undermines this sense of balance is the rarity of characters. If the idea is slower, tactical battles, and more people trying new character combinations, the huge level disparities between rarities and the simple rarity of fully building some characters really undermines the diversity of the metagame.

I'd much rather have all characters live in the same level band, and have rarities be much more even, a 40/30/20/10 split at most. I'm all for a slower, more interesting and varied game. We're not getting it.