Cover Exchange for unwanted or uneeded 3-4* covers

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
Just an idea. I am currently transitioning from 2* to 3* and have even spent a little $$ on HP for cover packs. The issue i am running into is this... For Example, my Squirrel Girl is at 5 yellowflag.png /2 purpleflag.png /2 greenflag.png .. and i seem to only be able to get more yellowflag.png covers for her, 2 extra to be exact.... selling for 500 iso is almost a joke.. Here is what i propose.. an exchange or upgrade feature.

The exchange.
I put the cover up in the exchange, other players, if they need that cover, can offer a cover of their own in trade (same char or diff), i select the offer i like, BOOM, we each have a cover we needed.

Upgrade feature.
If you get a cover for a char that you cannot use/do not want, allow us to use it for a different color on the same char with an upcharge.. example: I can use a yellow SG cover to upgrade her purple ability by spending 50HP or 1000iso, or something of the like, in addition to the cover.

let me know what you all think?