Gorgons Fist - Top 100

edited April 2015 in MPQ Alliances
Season XIII is about to start up so that means Gorgons Fist is openly recruiting. .

Are you afraid that you will be all by yourself? Have no fear, Gorgons Fist 1 and 2 are both looking for some strong members.

By STRONG, I mean the following:

1) STRONG sense of humour
2) STRONG communication
3) STRONG team play
4) STRONG wallet (check back to point 1)
5) STRONG heart?

Ohh and a strong enough team I guess. We are looking for members that are capable of hitting 700 per event and are willing to make us part of their every day lives by adding us on Line. We will talk about anything in life, from the weather to sports.

We also ask for a minimum of 7500 per season (doable at 700 per event).
PVE is a hassle and we know that people hate it, but if you do end up doing good in a particular event, then we will even refer you to Top100 Alliances personally! (As long as you jump right back on afterwards).

So after this long text that I typed out, if you are still interested, then please send me a PM.

Enjoy the offseason all!