[POLL] Black Vortex format is better than Powered-Up format

babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
edited April 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Keeping the poll super simple

The many pages of http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=25857 shows that plenty of people have their own opinions on how a new PvP format should be implemented. This thread is to see if anyone else prefers The Black Vortex format to Powered Up one we've tested over the week.

For The Black Vortex to work best as a PvP format it would almost certainly require a new set of boosted characters each event rather than once a week.

Note 2:
If you want the featured prize cover character to stand out...simply give it a slight level boost above all other boosted characters. Level 300 for example. It won't be a forced character to run when compared against level 270 boosted characters but it's still an edge.

That's all you need to know for the poll...

My reasons for preference below.


Why do I find this implementation of boosted characters so much better when it's essentially the same?

Greater team diversity

During the Powered-Up week people were compelled to to play at least one Boosted character and forced to play the featured character. In this format, the boosted characters continue to influence your team decisions but you have more freedom as to who you'll pair them with. In other words, if the old format made 2 out of 3 character choices for you...The Black Vortex format only makes 1 out of 3 by comparison.

Allows players to always take advantage of trio team synergies rather than just duo ones

There's a couple of fun duo teams in the game like Patch/Loki but there are far more fun trio's. This format lets people have fun with the team combinations they like the most. All while encouraging the use of unique teams through it's boosted characters.

More room to run 'counter' or specialized characters

A counter character is someone like Elektra purple vs enemy Groot.
Falcon vs enemy Star-Lord.
Loki vs enemy Patch.
When working with a duo team and a feature character it's hard to find the room to run a proper 'counter' character for any given match. Especially when the counter character overlaps on useful skill colours. This new format gives people more of a chance to justify a slot for a counter character rather than just a focused offensive team regardless of the encounter.
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  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like ability to choose all 3 team members, but prefer the extended selection of boosted characters in the Powered-Up format. I think that means I'll vote for Indifferent.
  • I've been running X-Force, Fury and Hood for the Black Vortex event, none of whom are boosted. This event does very little to promote roster diversity as there's been no downside to not having the featured characters levelled.
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    this event only proved just how bad the powered up characters were.

    icon_ms_marvel.png being the only exception, she's mid-tier.
    icon_rocket.png being a distant second
  • mjh wrote:
    this event only proved just how bad the powered up characters were.

    icon_ms_marvel.png being the only exception, she's mid-tier.
    icon_rocket.png being a distant second
    ? I spent all event obliterating people with Groot's blue and not using a single health pack. Groot took me to 1100 on one shield
  • Yea if you think Groot is distant second to Marvel you are nuts.

    I wouldn't mind more "Theme" events with slate buff characters but that just requires more time coming up with event idea. Time that could be spent rebalancing 3* character health now that 7350 is a thing. Stick with simplicity and go Powered Up for a week, 3 events in that time (slight overlap).
  • dkffiv
    dkffiv Posts: 1,039 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been running X-Force, Fury and Hood for the Black Vortex event, none of whom are boosted. This event does very little to promote roster diversity as there's been no downside to not having the featured characters levelled.

    I have a pretty deep roster and ran Gamora / Groot / Hood as both of those featured ones are maxed. 2x 20k targets with yellow being the color you're surgical striking meant I didn't get too many attacks. If I had a maxed Starlord I might've ran him over Hood but I didn't even consider 4hor and decided against X-Force due to color coverage.
  • You'll always have significantly more diversity for being able to pick your third person instead of being forced on a particular person.
  • I think a season of these type of themed pvps could be interesting. As long as they were different characters each pvp.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Think you missed an argument mentioned a lot with regards to the first week of multiple powered-up characters: the first set included only so much as the best 3*s (not counting Model 40), most 3* players have them maxed so no surprise everyone ran same teams: Patch/Loki for the Berserker combo and quick boosted fights, lazy Thor/support for brute power and health, etc.
    Guardians are comparatively new, especially Star-Lord, and not considered generally strong (uber) and PvP-viable. As for me, I ran X-Force/Grocket/Star-Lord a lot for full rainbow coverage. Not running 17k Grocket who can heal for 14k health with one yellow match was unthinkable if you had him. I ran Gamora for the earlier climb a lot, too. The diversity was there, but NOT thanks to a slightly different format. Back before 4or's balance in Avengers events you couldn't find a single 4or-less team past 700 points, either. (Likely still won't, 24k health when powered-up is not a joke.)
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lerysh wrote:
    Yea if you think IAmGroot is distant second to Marvel you are nuts.

    Groot and CM, when boosted, are great. They beat Xforce and GT hands down.

    When I face an opponent Xforce, I will let my groot take the damage from Xforce and surgical strike. Doesn't matter cos I can heal back with a single yellow.

    CM red packs a good punch especially when matches with groot blue.
  • I like the varied roster, but im not sure how I felt about the isolated set of 3s for rewards.
  • This was actually the most enjoyable pvp event I've participated in to date. I am in the early early star.pngstar.pngstar.png transition phase, and was able to stay somewhat competitive, almost cracking the 600 point mark for the first time.

    Managed to get 85th and grab a Blade cover I needed too.

    Much much better imo!
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've said again, they need to use a color comination model for power ups. There are 20 combos of colors I do beleive, so one PvP can be Purple/yellow/blue--That means Falcon and Spidey get boosts, just make a color combo mandatory
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    It ended up being mainly XF, 4hor and Hood for me. Those were the top enemies in the post-700 game, and the ones I placed with. Grocket wasn't bad, but the attack was too slow to really use. Gamorra and Storm aren't much, few Starlords are covered, and Beast was Beast.

    The format of a set covered with full selection probably hurt the game since high end players were able to just choose their roster instead of use a mandatory one. Personally, I pump a few levels into the main character when they are featured, and that supports game balance. In this one, I pumped a couple into Grocket and gave up when I saw how ineffective he was. I levelled Luke Cage near 20 levels in two days though icon_e_smile.gif

    This was the first PVP I've come in first in, which had to do with off-season as much as the format, so I shouldn't complain, but I think the weekly featured system is going to serve the game in the long term.
  • So 11 blue for 1k in strike tiles is too slow but 9 blue into 10 red for 7350 damage is ok pace for you?
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's really hard to tell if it's truly better because it's an off-season event, which means participation is non-standard. I do enjoy the non mandatory featured element of PvP, however.

    I used Grocket-Marv-BlackWolvie for most of it. I subbed the Hoodie in for Marv when situation called for it (opponent used him), but otherwise I took it extremely easy. I climbed to a little over 800, threw a 3-hour up and called it a day. Got two +20 defensive wins to boost me to top-25, so that was nice.

    If you go with the typical in season PvP, I think having a themed boost week mixed in would be better than just a normal rotation like DDQ.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Lerysh wrote:
    So 11 blue for 1k in strike tiles is too slow but 9 blue into 10 red for 7350 damage is ok pace for you?
    Yup, since she stuns and then the next round of red does near double damage, plus her yellow destroys Grockets tiles to make charge tiles, plus surgical strike pulled red from Marvel which let me slaughter more. Grocket has three strike tiles, not much to work with. Maybe a lucky combo with Storm. With Hood/XF/4hor, I just cut through the boosted characters. To be honest, I don't think Grocket pulled off his blue against me, since Hood was robbing him.

    This was the easiest pvp I played in a long time, and the only reason I sank some shields in was the Fury cover.

    I don't want to complain about easiness, I just like to have a reason to level up others, which I do in regular PVPs.