SKYNET (top 10 PVP) recruits!

edited April 2015 in MPQ Alliances
Who we are:
- a group of fun people that play hard
- one of the oldest and certainly the most casual top 10 PVP alliance around
We usually finish top 10 in most PVPs and we always finished top 10 in Season (well, at least since I joined three seasons ago). We're also strong in PVE (at least the PVEs that matter), on average reaching top 50.

- Can you score 850-900 on your own every PVP event? Join us and we'll get you that extra step to 1k!
- Do you use LINE? If not, what are you waiting for? It's fun, it's our main communication tool, and the key to coordinating our efforts and helping everybody reach 1k.

So, if you want to be part of a top 10 alliance, this is your chance!
PM me here or contact me on Line (phoenix.dream)
