Matching Priority Question

Hey guys, I've been crunching numbers to try and create a team that will make good (and by good, I mean very very good!) use of a 3/5/5 Patch Wolverine. I'm not fond of Loki - his purple is fun, and mixes things up, but other heroes have some of the best purple skills in the game (GSBW and 3* Magneto), and his black is only useful when running Patch (as of this writing), or if the featured tournament has someone who pukes up strike/protect tiles. Hardest part is setting up teammates so that Wolverine hogs 50% of the colored matches - but truth be told, it's not as hard as it seems! IM40 has a built in self-stun, so that'll give you a prime chance to bring the smackdown. GSBW's color setup allows for you to still have a very, very strong green ability - and a purple to help get it set up.. even more notable is how, in a pinch, you could just block out every purple tile on the board before using the green! (This seems to favor a 5/x/x build more though for Patch, but that's not my point). The point of my question here is - how do you set up who gets the match, for when they are tied for values?

I thought I knew about environment tiles - as long as you don't have someone with a higher Environmental match (Spiderman, Punisher, etc), I thought the person who makes the match was based on their position at the character select screen (center takes priority or something), but after some re-evaluation, Bullseye always takes it over 2* Magneto and Hawkeye, Modern Black Widow always takes it over Iron Man 35 and Storm, etc. How does this work with colors? I was hoping that every hero would have a unique decimal value (which could easily be true), meaning if 2 are tied, one will be secretly having a higher priority than another. However, upon looking at what level scaling data I have between Patch and Classic Magneto, they have the same yellow match damage at every level. My question is - when 2 heroes have the same damage (and exact same, which I'm guessing a Patch and 3* Magneto at max level will have), how is priority given? Is it based on roster position, or is it just a hidden value? Will I be forced to keep my Magnus at level 139 if I wanted that team composition to work out? Another theory - maybe it's lower level heroes make environmental matches, given my MBW is 40, Storm is 47, and Mk 35 is 45, while Bullseye is level 6, Magneto is 8, and Hawkeye 10. So hopefully the example of environmental tiles is out the window, and there's some other way of determining who gets match damage when values are tied?


  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    I believe the tragic answer to your question is found in fractions.

    Specifically, while we see a whole number value, the numbers are normally some decimal combination that the computer knows.

    You can see this when you match tiles, triple matches don't always make a number divisible by 3, because the computer actually multiplies the fraction part by 3 as well, then rounds it to a whole number. I believe someone put some effort into making an excel spreadsheet to try and track the numbers because they seem to progress linearly by level so if you look at enough match 3 data as the character levels you can work it out.

    So if Wolverine is say 5.1 and Magneto is 5.2, you will see them both as 5s but Magneto wins. If they are identical then I think position in the team comes into effect.

    I thought all environmental values were whole numbers but maybe not, which would explain the dominance you see.
  • Hrm.. I guess my best solution is actually quite simple - get my 3* Magneto and Patch at the same level, and just find out! Hope to god Wolverine edges out. Might be a bit though, Patch is currently 62 and Magneto is 42, but at least it's a shot at finding out definitively the solution to this question. I'll just have to try and stop dumping ISO into Patch for this painfully scaled PvE event... which I say, realizing I dumped 2k into 2* Storm earlier today for one of the missions forcing you to use her (mine was level 8).
  • The value you see is rounded to the nearest 1, but internally the game keeps track of the decimals. So someone with an environemntal match of say 3.1 is always going to beat someone who is 3.0 even though they appear to you as 3. It's more confusing with the color tiles since characters don't always have the same formula for colors. If two characters have the same color strength at max level, they should be tied whenever they've the same level.
  • Phantron wrote:
    The value you see is rounded to the nearest 1, but internally the game keeps track of the decimals. So someone with an environemntal match of say 3.1 is always going to beat someone who is 3.0 even though they appear to you as 3. It's more confusing with the color tiles since characters don't always have the same formula for colors. If two characters have the same color strength at max level, they should be tied whenever they've the same level.

    I understand that - my curiosity is, in the event of a tied value at the same level, how does one determine who makes the match?
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kamahl-FoK wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    The value you see is rounded to the nearest 1, but internally the game keeps track of the decimals. So someone with an environemntal match of say 3.1 is always going to beat someone who is 3.0 even though they appear to you as 3. It's more confusing with the color tiles since characters don't always have the same formula for colors. If two characters have the same color strength at max level, they should be tied whenever they've the same level.

    I understand that - my curiosity is, in the event of a tied value at the same level, how does one determine who makes the match?

    Then I think party position is the tiebreaker.
  • Position is the tiebreaker. MIddle beats sides, and I think left beats right, but not totally about that (the order of the sides).
  • Phantron wrote:
    Position is the tiebreaker. MIddle beats sides, and I think left beats right, but not totally about that (the order of the sides).
    It is middle, left, right. I think it was noticing Ares and Wolverine have the same priorities that made me finally check this for science, which should be an example most can use to confirm.
  • mischiefmaker
    As luck would have it, I have a Patch and a Magneto Classic who are exactly the same level, and I can confirm that Phantron and Veracity are correct. Middle, left, right position are tiebreakers.

    Note that this is only true for characters that are the same rarity and same level. If they're different rarity or different level, even if the numbers are the same, the decimal will be different, so the position tiebreaker won't apply.
  • Hahah, I was just coming here to post my findings (since I sold max 2* Wolv / Thor and levelled Punisher to 100, and.. pushed Magneto to Patch's level). Yeah, we're in agreement - Middle > Left > Right, and Patch = Magneto, eff yeah, I'm pretty stoked it'll work out in the long run.
  • mischiefmaker
    Although you could always have just had Magneto one level lower than Patch. Not technically optimal, but in practice you'd never notice the difference (OCD/completionism aside).
  • I'm just glad to see that the devs don't have some silly, painful decimal system in place (although it might be true for environmental tiles), and that your placement can tweak who matches for who. 3* Wolv and Magneto would pair fairly well imho, as when you're not match-5'ing with Mag's blue, you could just overwrite the tiles you gave the enemy with his red. I think I just like Patch because he has 2 nukes, the green doesn't get stronger between 3 and 5, whereas the Red (in a composition like this) is kablammo! Not sure who a third will be, can't be Spiderman since yellow is his primary. Hood seems like an obvious choice though - has yellow and black, fills out the color pie, 3* mana battery...
  • mischiefmaker
    I'm pretty sure there actually IS a decimal system in place, it's just that the decimals for Patch and Magneto happen to be exactly the same. Easy enough to check -- find someone who has the same tile damage as Patch but is a 2* and see if position changes who matches the tile.