Suggested 2 new types of tiles

TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
Hey, first of all, I want to say I love the game, and I enjoy the additions that are being put in. And thanks so much for the Deadpool Daily, I've finally gotten those elusive last remaining abilities on about 4 characters now. I just thought I'd toss out a couple ideas for new moves/tiles.

First, Disable. Every player has characters they hate coming up against due to certain abilities they possess. Maybe it's Hulk's black ability, or The Hood's Dormammu's Aid. I think there could be characters that have a Disable ability. This would put either a tile on the board that, as long as it is up, disables ONE ability on a chosen character. There could be multiple variations, of course, such as disabling a random ability, or maybe one person's Disable would last as long as there's a special tile up, and another person's Disable would be on a countdown timer that lasts until it counts down, much like Colossus' yellow ability.

Second, and the one I like best. I don't really have a name for it yet. It's based around the idea of the pot or pool in a card game. There could be characters that create a special tile that accumulates different colored energy each round, and whoever matches it gets the energy. One variation would have you putting all of one of your colors into a special tile that would increase by 1 every turn. You could still earn that color by making other matches, but this tile would keep getting bigger until matched. If it is destroyed, the energy is gone. If the enemy matches it, they get all the energy inside, but you could increase the level to decrease what % of that energy they would actually get. Another variation would be neat if you put Gambit into the game. He could have an ability called Gamble, where he creates a tile that absorbs 2 random energy from both teams every turn until matched.

Anyway, those are just a couple suggestions. Keep up the good work, folks!


  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    the 'pool' tiles could work both ways. You have a countdown tile that, when matched, gives 'N' additional AP, where N is the current value of the countdown. The counter could go either up or down, I think they would generally be more comfortable with 'downs' because 'up' would be potential craziness in a survival node.

    Could this tile type legitimize bag-man? (I couldn't even type that sentence with a straight face...)
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, I like it, there are all sorts of ways to use such tiles. Now that I think about it, though, although the 'pool' tile would be a good idea for use in PvP matches, I guess it might be overpowered against groups of nameless enemies that can't swap tiles and match it. I mean, they can occasionally make a match on a random drop, but it's unlikely.

    Also, I realized I didn't specify that only ONE of the 'disable' tiles could be in play at any one time per team. Otherwise it'd be nuts.