PvE avg iso (with math)

took this out of my reply to another post so you could look at what I'm doing instead of chem:

rewards [(500iso rewards/tokens(100iso sell)/100iso/boost = 700iso)+ (20 iso x non reward wins (4.33) =86.66)]+ first time clear(100 or 200) /( times you would have to play to get every reward on avg = 8.33 turns) =
100 clear bonus =106.44iso/turn
200 clear bonus=118.44iso/turn

avg value for first clear =275 or 375 (100isobonus/200iso)
avg value for each clear if you got the boost first round (until you get iso)=135

value for a beginner 500iso+/token (500iso)/100iso/boots(200iso) + 86,66+ (100 /or 200) / 8.33 = 168/180 iso

pure iso farm-> 1st clear pve>new pvp rewards>rest of pve

times to clear
1+4/3+4/2+4/1=8.33 turns