Get your hands dirty. Design Kingpin now

Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
Kingpin. We need a villain. And with Daredevil coming in the next 3 weeks, Kingpin seems a no-brainer. They can use existing story - and - couple him with Magia.
So. Magia abilities. Strong arming. Cooking the books. Paying for protection and embezzlement. How do you make him viable?


THIS guy.
He should tower over others. He should have almost Thor-like health because half of what it takes to kill him is the fact he works through others, and in the shadows. I'd like to see him have 12000 HPs.
He should have a book-cooking ability similar to Dormammu's aid, in that he has his hands in everything. He should hit like a ton of bricks but not necessarily have a super mega-attack.
So help me make sense of that.
So. Magia abilities. Strong arming. Cooking the books. Paying for protection and embezzlement. How do you make him viable?

THIS guy.
He should tower over others. He should have almost Thor-like health because half of what it takes to kill him is the fact he works through others, and in the shadows. I'd like to see him have 12000 HPs.
He should have a book-cooking ability similar to Dormammu's aid, in that he has his hands in everything. He should hit like a ton of bricks but not necessarily have a super mega-attack.
So help me make sense of that.
Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
16K HP
Hapkido Mastery ; 4 AP
Creates a 3-turn black countdown tile. While the tile is in effect, Kingpin employs his deceptive strength and mastery of all that is martial to force his opponents into submission, increasing Kingpin's match damage by 50%.
3 Covers: 4-Turn
4 Covers: 85% increase.
5 Covers: 120% increase (total of 2.2x match damage) ; 5-turn countdown tile ; upon dealing bonus damage, reduces enemies ap in strongest color by 2 and in another random color by 1.
Criminal Network ; 3 Blue
The kingpin is the master of the underworld, manipulating all matters he surveys. The sword armed against him is broken, yet his army grows.
3 Covers: Select a basic color tile - the enemy's AP in that color is reduced by the amount of AP your team has in the same color.
4 Covers: ; also, spawn a 151 Strength Strike Tile for each AP reduced in this way.
5 Covers: ; also, spawn a 252 Attack Tile for each 2 ap reduced in this way ; 5 tiles of the selected color are turned Blue.
Malicious Intent ; Passive
Kingpin takes pleasure in seeing his foes driven before him, delighting in the suffering of their allies and families.
3 Covers ; if an enemy is dealt 15% of their current health, your team regains half of its most recent ap expenditure.
4 Covers : ; also, generates a Strength 151 Protect Tile.
5 Covers : 10% ; also, strengthens 3 friendly special tiles by 100%.0 -
That blue is bonkers. 16K health and no direct attacks. Match him with The Hood and he starts neutering your every move.0
Knowing D3, Kingpin will prob be a combination of Mystique(reduce
) and anti-starlord
0 -
raisinbman wrote:Knowing D3, Kingpin will prob be a combination of Mystique(reduce
) and anti-starlord
That's still not a bad thing.0 -
I'd like to see a counterpart to Fury's Avengers Assemble, where Kingpin calls on the abilities of villains or goons. In the Spider-Man animated series, Kingpin was the one to assemble the Sinister (or "Insidious") Six. We don't exactly have all of them available - in fact we only have two Spider-Man villains total - but it could be named for them.0
ronin-san wrote:raisinbman wrote:Knowing D3, Kingpin will prob be a combination of Mystique(reduce
) and anti-starlord
That's still not a bad thing.
I dunno I just don't trust D3 to make 4* characters cuz they're supposed to be "more powerful" than 3* ones but there's a big consistency problem. That and if he's 4* he'll be a top 50 prize I'm not gonna get0 -
The match damage increase for that character is an interesting ability. The 5th cover is a huge jump in ability -> aiming for an OBW espionage like-ability? 270's match damage is only 82, 73, 64. A 50% increase on a typical match is about 110 points, so the ability would probably do an extra 330 damage at 1 cover, 1320 damage at 5 covers (assuming the countdown stays alive that long), hardly befitting a maxed 4*. Multiple AP reductions seem unfair as well.
The overall ability costs are too low considering Xavier, Star-Lord and Khan.0 -
CNash wrote:I'd like to see a counterpart to Fury's Avengers Assemble, where Kingpin calls on the abilities of villains or goons. In the Spider-Man animated series, Kingpin was the one to assemble the Sinister (or "Insidious") Six. We don't exactly have all of them available - in fact we only have two Spider-Man villains total - but it could be named for them.
I think that'd sooner be Osborne's Dark Iron Man than it would Kingpin. Though him doing a Magia assemble or Mob tactics makes sense.0 -
Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
10.2K HP
I Run This City ; 8 AP
Kingpin uses his criminal connections to take over. Turns 2 enemy special tiles into critical tiles. If there are none, create 3 Attack tiles of strength 12.
3 Covers: 3 tiles. Attack tiles of 14.
4 Covers: 5 tiles. Attack tiles of 20.
5 Covers: all tiles. Attack tiles of 24.
Max Level. All tiles. Attack tiles of 80.
(Explanation: A better Moonstone? Lol. A lower AP move which causes cascades, match damage, and generates AP.)
Get My Hands Dirty ; 6 AP
Kingpin proves he can hold his own in a fight. He buys the team some time until back up arrives. Deals 120 damage and creates a 20 defense tile.
3 Covers: 150 damage. 24 defense tile.
4 Covers: 170 damage. 28 defense tile.
5 Covers: 190 damage. 32 defense tile.
Max Level: 1000 damage. 75 defense tile.
(Explanation: Low AP damage with a shield. A combination of Gamora and Luke Cage, sort of.)
From the Shadows ; Passive
Kingpin supports his allies, ensuring their victory. Each time a teammate makes a match, deal an extra 5 damage.
3 Covers ; Deal an extra 10 damage.
4 Covers : Deal an extra 12 damage.
5 Covers : Deal an extra 16 damage.
Max Level: Deal an extra 75 damage.
(Explanation: Kind of equivalent to an attack tile. But of course different and opens different team combinations.)0 -
emaker27 wrote:Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
10.2K HP
From the Shadows ; Passive
Kingpin supports his allies, ensuring their victory. Each time a teammate makes a match, deal an extra 5 damage.
3 Covers ; Deal an extra 10 damage.
4 Covers : Deal an extra 12 damage.
5 Covers : Deal an extra 16 damage.
Max Level: Deal an extra 75 damage.
(Explanation: Kind of equivalent to an attack tile. But of course different and opens different team combinations.)
This is really good. I like the idea of it doing that damage per free trap tile per turn, ala Doom's free purple. His empire grows, and with it his influence and muscle. Maybe 100 per free tile per turn. No maximum.
I also take it that your consideration is for him to be a, right?
0 -
emaker27 wrote:Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
10.2K HP
I Run This City ; 8 AP
Kingpin uses his criminal connections to take over. Turns 2 enemy special tiles into critical tiles. If there are none, create 3 Attack tiles of strength 12.
3 Covers: 3 tiles. Attack tiles of 14.
4 Covers: 5 tiles. Attack tiles of 20.
5 Covers: all tiles. Attack tiles of 24.
Max Level. All tiles. Attack tiles of 80.
(Explanation: A better Moonstone? Lol. A lower AP move which causes cascades, match damage, and generates AP.)
I feel like 8 AP is too low for that kind of critical generation.
I'm thinking of things like Falcon dropping Bird Strike, and Kingpin shrugging and blowing up the board for 6 AP.
For just more than the cost of MMN's Iron Hammer, which needs 4 turns to proc, Kingpin would achieve the same effect and, thanks to all those critical tiles, deal much, much more damage. The idea is cool, but that would be a character in need of a nerf before even getting released.0 -
Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) ***
8500 HP (The Kingpin's a mass of muscle, but come on, he's Cap or BP, not IM40 or Thor)
Game-changer 6
The Kingpin has been pulling the strings all along! Turns a chosen basic tile into a black 10-turn countdown that destroys the bottom 3 rows, dealing damage and gaining AP for each tile.
Level 2: 9-turn countdown
Level 3: Destroys 4 rows.
Level 4: 7-turn countdown
Level 5: Destroys 8 rows
Back-Breaker 12
The Kingpin uses his incredible strength to lock his foe in a bear hug. Deals [X] Damage and stuns target for 2 turns.
Level 2: [X+A damage]
Level 3: [X+B damage]
Level 4: [X+C damage]
Level 5: [X+D damage], stuns for 3 turns.
Buyout 8
The Kingpin strategically purchases the resources he needs to give himself the advantage. Steal 5 AP of a chosen non-:purple: color. The enemy team gains 8AP.
Level 2: Steal 8 AP
Level 3: Drains up to 4AP from Kingpin's team. Steal 1 AP of a second chosen non-:purple: color for each AP drained, and the enemy gains 8
AP, and 1
AP for each AP drained
Level 4: Drains up to 8AP from Kingpin's team. Steal 1 AP of a second chosen non-:purple: color for each AP drained, and the enemy gains 8
AP, and 1
AP for each AP drained
Level 5: Steal all AP of the first chosen color0 -
gamar wrote:Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) ***
8500 HP (The Kingpin's a mass of muscle, but come on, he's Cap or BP, not IM40 or Thor)
Game-changer 6
The Kingpin has been pulling the strings all along! Turns a chosen basic tile into a black 10-turn countdown that destroys the bottom 3 rows, dealing damage and gaining AP for each tile.
Level 2: 9-turn countdown
Level 3: Destroys 4 rows.
Level 4: 7-turn countdown
Level 5: Destroys 8 rows
10 turns is too much. It'd never go off. Even at 6, it's excessive. I say 9
4 turns makes you
gamar wrote:Back-Breaker 12
The Kingpin uses his incredible strength to lock his foe in a bear hug. Deals [X] Damage and stuns target for 2 turns.
Level 2: [X+A damage]
Level 3: [X+B damage]
Level 4: [X+C damage]
Level 5: [X+D damage], stuns for 3 turns.
I'm on board with this but need explanation on the Algebra.gamar wrote:Buyout 8
The Kingpin strategically purchases the resources he needs to give himself the advantage. Steal 5 AP of a chosen non-:purple: color. The enemy team gains 8AP.
Level 2: Steal 8 AP
Level 3: Drains up to 4AP from Kingpin's team. Steal 1 AP of a second chosen non-:purple: color for each AP drained, and the enemy gains 8
AP, and 1
AP for each AP drained
Level 4: Drains up to 8AP from Kingpin's team. Steal 1 AP of a second chosen non-:purple: color for each AP drained, and the enemy gains 8
AP, and 1
AP for each AP drained
Level 5: Steal all AP of the first chosen color
I like the idea of a Mafia buyout. Is it that you select a tile, and that tile changes color? The D3P dymanic is that abilities impact the board, not just the enemy pool. So this would have to modify the colors on the board without leading to Winfinite.0 -
Here's my shot at it:
Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
4 Star Rarity (Rare)
At Max Level: HP: 10960 Tile Damage: 82/10/11/64/9/73/3.5xAP
Kingpin's financial resources buys him the latest in criminal technology, by funding teams of scientists in every area. One of his underlings discovers a new technology which Kingpin eagerly exploits. Creates a strength 100 protect tile and a 3-turn yellow countdown. When the countdown goes off a random strength 100 tile (attack/strike/protect) is generated.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Countdown generates a random tile every 3 turns as opposed to being destroyed.
Level 3: Increases strength of first protect tile and future generated tiles to 115.
Level 4: Increases strength of first protect tile and future generated tiles to 130.
Level 5: Countdown is reduced to 2 turns.
Level 3 - Tile strength 223.
Level 4 - Tile strength 249.
Level 5 - Tile strength 249. Countdown reduced to 2 turns.
Hired Goons - 9AP
Kingpin snaps his fingers, summoning hired goons to attack any would-be hero trying to take him down. Creates 2 2-turn black countdown tiles. At the beginning of the turn, each countdown deals 263 damage. PASSIVE: As long as one of these countdowns is on the board, Kingpin can not be targeted.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Each countdown deals 296 damage at the beginning of the turn.
Level 3: Count down tiles last for 3 turns.
Level 4: Count down tiles last for 4 turns. Each countdown deals 344 damage at the beginning of the turn.
Level 5: Creates 3 - 5 turn countdown tiles.
Max Level:
Level 3: 2 - 3 turn countdown tiles which deal 590 damage per turn.
Level 4: 2 - 4 turn countdown tiles which deal 685 damage per turn.
Level 5: 3 - 5 turn countdown tiles which deal 685 damage per turn.
Ruthless Control - 8AP
Kingpin tightens his grip with methodical cruelty, subtly shaping the battlefield to his designs. Deals 680 damage and creates a 4-turn purple countdown that steals 1-AP from all colors except purple.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Deals 754 damage.
Level 3: Countdown is reduced to 3 turns. Deals 920 damage.
Level 4: Countdown steals 2-AP from all colors except purple.
Level 5: Countdown is reduced to 2 turns. Deals 1120 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 1814 damage. 3-turn countdown steals 1 AP from all colors except purple.
Level 4 - Deals 1814 damage. 3-turn countdown steals 2 AP from all colors except purple.
Level 5 - Deals 2215 damage. 2-turn countdown steals 2 AP from all colors except purple.
Let's start with Yellow. This is a Defense Grid inspired power, but designed to be actually useful. It gives you a protect tile off the bat, and the scientists/evil henchmen continue improving on their inventions, generating additional bonuses every 2 or 3 turns until they are stopped.
The Purple power showcases Kingpin's ability to control everything given enough time, and makes him a priority target to down. Honestly, I'm having a hard time trying to balance this power, and I think Nick Fury's Escape Plan was too much of an influence.
My favourite power is Hired Goons. It gives Kingpin a simulated touch of invulnerability as he hides behind his goons who deal damage. However, it's not true invisibility and you can 'deal' with the goons directly or wait and track Kingpin down afterwards.
-- edit corrected hp and strengths0 -
I like the build. I still would grant him 8900 HP - the Sue Storm sort of HP class. If we eschew the goons, then the HP has to go above 12k.0
I must have made the changes in a draft that didn't save. Corrected hp and tile strengths.0
daibar wrote:I must have made the changes in a draft that didn't save. Corrected hp and tile strengths.
The countdowns everywhere! concept seems pretty similar to the current spoiler from IceIX.0
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