Professor X purple stacking bug?

Not sure if this is a bug or just a misleading description... From the character post:
Blind Spot - 7 purpletile.png AP
Entering his enemy's minds, Professor X blocks any sensory input that might reveal his presence. Professor X creates an invisibility tile that targets him, if one does not exist.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 1 friendly special tile by 58.
Level 3: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 2 friendly special tiles by 59.
Level 4: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 2 friendly special tiles by 120.
Level 5: While invisible, if this character makes a match, they strengthen 4 friendly special tiles by 121.
Max Level
Level 3 - Strengthens 2 tiles by 115
Level 4 - Strengthens 2 tiles by 236
Level 5 - Strengthens 4 tiles by 238

The way this reads a match Professor X makes while invisible would provide bonuses to unique tiles (i.e. strengthen tile 1, strengthen tile 2, etc.). My experience in Simulation 42 was that as-is, it plays out differently. Before I managed to destroy his invis tile, Charlie (who was level 285 for me) had buffed a single protect tile to a respectable 2455. Now, at 251 per buff, that's about 10 bluetile.png matches Charlie would have had to make (as Deadpool covered purpletile.png and X-force Wolvie covered yellowtile.png and neither were stunned). There was a minor cascade during the 2 or 3 turns that but the other part of this is the animation, which on at least 2 occasions I saw repeatedly triggering on the same tile.

There's probably also several ways this could be playing out as a display bug, but... I thought I'd share the info I have and you guys can sort it out. I have a screenshot of the protect tile, but without a Professor X myself, I can't really test to see if it duplicates. Maybe someone with some covers can give it a try.


  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    A few thoughts.

    1. Are you positive that X-Force tanked yellow over Prof X? It could be that, at 285, they had an equal value for yellow, so Prof X tanked the color.

    2. At level 285, Prof X will increase tiles by more than the max amount. Without knowing the exact value, it is hard to say for sure how quickly the boosts added up.

    3. Although Prof X's protect tile seems to stay constant at 75 for characters, is it possible that, boosted to 285, the protect tiles start at a higher value.

    4. I find that I often don't realize how many matches take place during a minor cascade and sometimes when the AI matches two sets of three tiles at once. They can quickly add up if you're thinking about your next move. Especially with colors like blue and yellow, which I wouldn't be striving hard to prevent the AI from matching.