Mis-Matched PvP Matches...

Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
I have been noticing lately, especially today in the Hotshot event, that I am just being given opponents that I have absolutely no chance of beating. For example; today I was trying to raise my rank in the Hotshot event and my main squad was lvl 74 torch (1 of each cover), lvl 108 xforce (5 green, 5 black), and lvl 70 2* daken. I must have spent over 500 iso skipping matches to find a match that I even had a chance of winning and found one here or there but the VAST majority of opponents were levels 150-280. Xforce is my highest lvl character followed by 2* daken, I started out today at rank 354 an was only able to get to around 230 and was not able to find any match that was even close to being winnable. As I type this my rank is #300, my options for opponents are:
Node 1: 230 torch/112 patch/115 loki
Node 2: 70 torch/153 mostorm/164 modthor
Node 3: 70 torch/ 94 2* daken/170 ares (probably winnable with boosts)

So before I have the devs look into it, I wanted some feedback from the community on what is going on. Am I just missing something or is there something else afoot? If anyone wants to take a look at my roster my game id is cynder9792. Any advice will be appreciated, so thanks in advance.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started noticing this in lightning rounds.. the first time i got my first 3 star (doom) to level 95, it is like the entire thing changed, as if now that i have a single 3 star over 94, it think i have a full roster of 166's waiting to battle.

    Prior i was getting enough lower level battles to get to the 2nd recruit token, now i am lucky to get to the first. While i do appreciate the challenge.. it has made things a little rough!
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    How are your best characters 108 Xforce and 70 2* Daken?

    You seem to be trying to skip a few steps of progression, the game is not going to help you do that
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    fmftint wrote:
    How are your best characters 108 Xforce and 70 2* Daken?

    You seem to be trying to skip a few steps of progression, the game is not going to help you do that

    probably a little luck involved. My wife had 2x yellow power for 4Thor before she had even gotten any 2 star over level 40. She leveled her 4thor instead of leveling any of her other chars first.. which ended in same results he is having.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    fmftint wrote:
    How are your best characters 108 Xforce and 70 2* Daken?

    You seem to be trying to skip a few steps of progression, the game is not going to help you do that

    I won two black xforce covers and one green then bought the remaining black and green covers with hp/real cash. I am impatient and had some extra money so I spent it on hp to have an awesome character. as for daken I earned all covers from tokens and used earned iso to level him up. A guy in my alliance said to lay off leveling xforce because it will mess with my scaling and that might be the issue altogether but I do not see how one high powered character would warrant matches against characters that are 2x higher than my highest. I would be happy with matches against lvl 94's but I barely even see them in most matches. In one of the recent events at the beginning of the season
    i was able to get into the top 25 of a pve using a shield or two, the one that rewarded y&p px, with my current load out so I am not sure what is going on but I just updated the patch so maybe that will fix my issue....stay tuned...
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    the patch did not fix anything icon_e_sad.gif probably going to have to get an explanation from the devs