PVP Revisited

If I understand correctly, PVP is set up to be kind of a "king of the mountain" type competition. Thankfully, there is no need to list the problems with this format. We all know them.

I would suggest a different format entirely. This format would be each player gets X amount of playing time throughout the duration of the event. For eaxample, an event 60 hours in duration, a player could play up to 3 hours during that event. The key points would be the scoring system and what counts as playing time.

MMR would stay the same. No change here.

Scoring System:

1. The system of losing or gaining points for defensive losses would go. You would still lose points for losses on offense.

a. This means no worrying about hitting alliance mates or alliance coordination.

b. Defense does not matter to protect from points losses, so players can use various player combinations.

c. This will mean there should be a wider of team comps coming up in queues.

2. All fights would be worth a set standard amount of points. Therefore, there is no advantage to starting early or playing at the end.

3. This means time shards are not necessary. Instead of time slices you could have 5 Playing Time amount options. However, this would unfortunately affect season and alliance rewards, unless was slice was designated as the season slice and only scores in that slice counted towards season scores.

a. For example, Slice 1 = 30 minutes play time limit per event; Slice 2 = 1 Hour; Slice 3 = 2 Hours; Slice 4 = 3 Hours; Slice 5 10 Hours

b. This format obviously would not count for season points without an adjustment being made.

c. An adjustment would also need to be made for alliance rewards.

4. Progressions could be adjusted proportionally for each time limit amount.

Time System:

1. Obviously, time in a fight, counts as playing time.

2. Skipping nodes now cost time, not ISO. You can look for an opponent you can beat faster, but you'll have to weigh time lost.

3. Boosts cost time, not ISO. You can boost to finish your match faster, but you'll have to weigh time lost. The idea is if a player has a tough opponent, they can use boosts to beat them, but boosts are not longer a short cut or go to win fights quicker.

Unresolved Issue:

Have not figured out how to take health packs into the equation so people don't just wait for fastest people heal to return to event. One possible answer might be that "shields" are replaced with a "pause cost." Under this premise, once you enter PVP your time starts. You can pause by paying time. If a player leave PVP, the play time is automatically paused and an amount of time is deducted off.

Additional Benefits:

1. PVP would be less pay to win. Shields and HP boosts would not apply for PVP. HP boosts would still apply for PVE.

2. It would actually be player vs player, not alliance vs player or alliance vs alliance.


  • I like most of your points. I would rather base play limitation not on time but maybe on total number of turns through out all the fights. Something like 500 turns allotment would translate in about 100 fights. For pay2win there can be an option to buy some more turns with HP.
    Also I would add some comprehensive scoring to battle outcome not the same flat amount for each win. Loss score should be flat though.

    EDIT: Frankly at this point I'd welcome almost any change to PVP concept just because the current setup discourages playing it for the entire event length. What's the point to have a 3-day event when for the best results you need to play only last few hours?