Wolverine X-Force and Professor X: Recovery/Blind Spot Bugs

Hi, D3P and everyone else on the forums. I'm writing today to address an issue which I felt came up during a battle in The Gauntlet: Global Domination (Deadpool, Wolverine X-Force, and Professor X).

First, I wonder if Recovery should be able to be activated if Wolverine is stunned. I deliberately stunned him so that I could destroy his recovery tile, and lost my 3* Storm who was on her last bit of health because he still lashed out, even while being "stunned." It's no major issue, I was simply curious. Game being based on abstracts, I can accept "his healing factor snaps him out enough to slap the taste out of your mouth."

Secondarily, given that all the tile matches in the game represent abstracts, I understand how Professor X's "Blind Spot" can prevent him from taking damage from enemies. Again, I understand the abstract is that "he is invisible within the minds of his opponents." Not actually invisible or damage-proof.

Having said that, I felt it to be a bug that environment damage tiles (such as a 2x Hailstorm from Storm) cannot damage him, because he can't be invisible to the mind of the raging tempest (wrong Storm but still, you see my point), y'know? But again being abstracts, I can accept "mind-controlled Storm into moving away the storm"... and such.

I think you guys know where I'm getting at with that. So, I just wanted to bring it up. Thank you for listening to my rant and I hope that this is a helpful contribution to the developers and the game.

Good day to you all.