2* Hawkeye Speed Shot didn't work

In this morning's Deadpool Dailies, I used the new Magneto purple skill to make a match-six of blue tiles. Hawkeye's Speed Shot ability, which says that if I make a match-5 or better, didn't create any countdown tiles despite there being half a dozen empty purple tiles available.
Am I missing something?


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Dumb question, but was Hawkeye still active?
    Otherwise, seems like it should have worked.
  • Just to be sure, was it a "match 6 of blue tiles" or "6 matched blue tiles"? That is, were all 6 blue tiles together in a clump, or were they two separate match 3's? I assume it was the first, but as MojoWild said ... it should have worked if that was the case. And if not, definitely a bug. Assuming that those purple tiles didn't appear in the wake of the cascading. They have to be on the board at the time of the match, from what I have noticed.
  • Thanks for the questions icon_e_smile.gif. Yup, hawks was still up and at 'em, and it was an elongated T-shape icon_e_smile.gif
  • Update: Despite repeated attempts, this bug has not reoccurred for me yet. May have been just a hiccup in the game.