The "AP miscalculation bug" HAS to be fixed!

I just got completely smashed in a gauntlet fight against Squrirrel Girl. The reason? She kept casting "Nuts from above" EVERY turn! Dear D3, please explain to me how she suddenly hade infinite purple AP/mana? The first activation might have been valid, but the next definitely wasn't, because the game showed me that the enemy team lost 6 purple points and it costs 9 to activate "Nuts". And then she just kept going every turn. Almost impossible to win.

Now, this pattern has been known to repeat itself in certain fights or against certain characters. People are reporting getting hit by multiple Call of the Storm, over and over. Same thing has happened when fighting Black Panther, Doom and lots of other characters with overpowered abilities.

So WHY does the game start miscalculating AP like this and why aren't you doing anything about it?

Connected to this issue are some other problems, namely that you get enough AP to activate an ability but you choose to wait until the next turn, and suddenly you start LOSING those AP! No, Hood is not on the other team. No, not Loki either. And no Original Black Widow in sight. Or even Blade, for that matter. Instead, it's a clear case of the computer matching the color you had enough points in, but instead of the computer getting those points "from the board", it steals the points from YOU!

And when you mail customer support about this, they just say "we can't reproduce the bug" (so they believe that several players are lying?). Yeah, yeah, whatever, but try to actually PLAY the game and you WILL see this problem happening!

Sometimes when you match colors, you get no AP at all, sometimes your AP even decreases!

These are all very serious problems that over time make the game very frustrating and unplayable.

So PLEASE, just FIX it! It's a SERIOUS bug! icon_evil.gif


  • cletus1985
    cletus1985 Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Were you playing a team with Mystique by chance? This sounds a lot like her shapeshifted ability, if she's shapeshifted she steals ap when you make a match of that color. Not saying there isn't a possible bug, but I haven't experienced this problem at all and your description sounds like her ability going off.
  • cletus1985 wrote:
    Were you playing a team with Mystique by chance? This sounds a lot like her shapeshifted ability, if she's shapeshifted she steals ap when you make a match of that color. Not saying there isn't a possible bug, but I haven't experienced this problem at all and your description sounds like her ability going off.

    I should have mentioned Mystique too, but failed to realized that possibility, but no...that was not the case.

    This happens several times and seemingly at random. It's also very hard to predict and capture the bug, so the physical evidence eludes us all, but when the game clearly shows that it decreases the enemy team's purple AP with 6 points when paying for an ability that costs 9 points, something is definitely not right.

    Also, I might add that in some cases, you keep matching the same colors (for instance "green") and you make sure the enemy team gets no green at all but the enemy team still manages to pull off certain green abilities (Call of the Storm, for instance) and no, they don't have a green-generating goon on the team. So there's that too: How on earth do they get green AP when you steal all their green?

    To me, it's obvious the game is cheating and doing it a lot. Asking players to spend time, energy and money on a game that cheats is just bad style.
  • Never experienced what you're talking about, but since you used Squirrel Girl as an example---if she has used her green power, those countdown tiles will be generating AP for her every turn, so that's a likely explanation for how she was getting extra purple AP. If she used Nuts From Above immediately after the countdowns decreasing, the amount of negative purple displayed would be the cost of the ability minus however much she had generated from the countdown tiles (and any resulting cascades from the tiles they plink). I'm assuming that she didn't make a purple match for her regular play, as presumably you'd have mentioned that, but depending on the (somewhat inconsistent) timing of the AP banner, a regular purple match could also explain a -6 showing up.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Never experienced what you're talking about, but since you used Squirrel Girl as an example---if she has used her green power, those countdown tiles will be generating AP for her every turn, so that's a likely explanation for how she was getting extra purple AP. If she used Nuts From Above immediately after the countdowns decreasing, the amount of negative purple displayed would be the cost of the ability minus however much she had generated from the countdown tiles (and any resulting cascades from the tiles they plink). I'm assuming that she didn't make a purple match for her regular play, as presumably you'd have mentioned that, but depending on the (somewhat inconsistent) timing of the AP banner, a regular purple match could also explain a -6 showing up.

    Squirrel girl's count downs don't generate ap directly.I
  • Yes, they do.

    Abilities that don't generate AP for destruction will say so, and hers has no limitation, so just on the face of it you should expect it to generate AP. If you test it in-game, you'll see that the countdowns absolutely generate AP.
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    I had this happen earlier on the hotshot pvp event. torch/ares/mostorm vs my team of torch/xforce/ironman 35 (lvl 100 from buff). there is no way ares had enough r/g/and y to even let off one power but he let loose a y, then g, then r for 3 turns in a row downing my team. with the team I was using obviously i was getting the same ap he was going for but yet i did not even have one power active? I have noticed this a few times but never so blatantly obsurd, fix the issue....
  • gruffbear
    gruffbear Posts: 23
    It's happened to me several times. In one fight against Moonstone she used Gravity Warp five times in a row with only 3 purple AP.
  • I've been hit with unlikely levels of AP, as well. Recently, I fought a team that used a Flame Jet teamup, and managed to hit me for consistent damage several turns in a row without fluctuation, and without an AP thief. They didn't match green, and had they matched green, they'd have done more damage. It was 1312, 1312, 1312.
  • Flame Jet has a built-in maximum damage per turn. Haven't looked at the math closely, but if the AI team had 10 or more green AP, then even without generating any additional green AP you'd likely be getting hit with the maximum for multiple turns in a row. This is particularly likely since it was a Flame Jet Team-Up---since Human Torch wasn't actually on the team, he couldn't spend that AP on a second countdown tile.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Flame Jet has a built-in maximum damage per turn. Haven't looked at the math closely, but if the AI team had 10 or more green AP, then even without generating any additional green AP you'd likely be getting hit with the maximum for multiple turns in a row. This is particularly likely since it was a Flame Jet Team-Up---since Human Torch wasn't actually on the team, he couldn't spend that AP on a second countdown tile.

    To add to this, he also didn't have to spend any green on the first count down tile.